Assignment 1
To be announced
This UNSW course is about
mechanical proof assistants, how they work, and what they can be used
for. It is taught by members of the
Trustworthy Systems
The course presents specification and proof techniques used in
industrial grade interactive theorem provers, teaches the theoretical background
to the techniques involved, and shows how to use a theorem prover to
conduct formal proofs in practice.
Topics include higher order logic, natural deduction, lambda calculus,
term rewriting, data types and recursive functions, induction
principles, and proofs about
programs. See the course outline for a full
content overview and prerequisites.
The course will provide hands-on experience with the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL.
Slides and Isabelle files will be made available online as the lectures progress.
Setting up Isabelle, basic rules and cheat sheet.
Textbook, further reading, and links the tools used in the lecture.
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
We are using Ed for class discussions. Please post questions about lecture material or the assignments and so forth.
Consults by appointment.