Alan Blair's Research Interests
Deep Learning
- Eccentric Regularization, for making the activations of a neural network or autoencoder conform to a Gaussion or hyperspherical distribution
- Nonparametric Approximation of Inter-Trace returns (NAIT), for fast learning of Atari games
- Neural Architecture for ISO-Standard Dialogue Act Tagging
- Retrieval Augmented Classification for Long Tail Visual Recognition
- Internal Symmetry Networks - convolutional neural networks
with a novel weight sharing scheme based on representations of symmetry groups
- demonstrated that a simple recurrent network can be
trained to predict a context-sensitive language
- novel methods for analysing the behavior of
neural networks trained to recognize or predict formal languages
Evolution and Computer-Generated Art
- HERCL - a novel genetic programming language
designed for hierarchical evolutionary computation,
with applications to ciphers
nonlinear control [14.B],
classification tasks [15.B],
string processing functions
and evolutionary line drawings
- computer art generated through adversarial training between a HERCL generator
and a GAN-style LeNet critic
The aim is not to mimic the style of human artists;
instead the art emerges from a tradeoff between
low algorithmic complexity and the need to fool the critic
into thinking they are real images
- Abstract Deep Networks -
a combination of deep neural networks and learning classifier systems
- improved neuroevolution with complexity-based speciation
[19.HB, 16.HB]
- evolving plastic neural networks for online learning
Dynamically Defined Functions
and novel crossover operators
for Grammatical Evolution.
Reinforcement Learning and Games
- Chess:
developed a novel algorithm for bootstrapping from game tree search,
and used it to demonstrate for the first time that
a neural network Chess player could be trained to Master Level,
entirely by self-play
This technique has since been applied to several other games, including Duchess
- Go: pioneered the use of parallel convolutional neural networks for the game of Go in 2008
including tree search with separate networks for move selection and board evaluation
GPU's were not very poweful in those days, and my players were only at the level of old players like AmiGo from the 1980's.
The techniques I developed include what would today be called SymNets and Pixel Recurrent Convolutional Networks.
- Backgammon: trained a
neural network to play Backgammon using a self-play evolution strategy
and applied the same algorithm to Tron
and Simulated Hockey
Our technique of only fractionally updating the weights of the champ in the direction of the mutant
has recently gained renewed interest from the RL community,
with massive parallelization and application to OpenAI Gym environments.
Robot Navigation
- introduced a new paradigm for decentralized data fusion
based on exponentials of polynomials
developed an efficient optimal trajectory planner for multiple mobile robots, using
parametric cubic splines, which was deployed in the
F180 League of Robocup
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