❓ Setup and Troubleshooting

Setting up your local or CSE environment

Guides authored by Alvin Cherk, Tina Ji and Webster Zhang.

1. Setup

1.1. Java Setup

Follow these instructions to set up your local development environment for Java.

1.2. VSCode Setup (Editor)

βš™οΈ VSCode Setuphttps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2511/25T1/setup/vscode-setup Follow these instructions to set up VSCode for both local and CSE development.

  • We use VSCode in this course.
  • You are welcome to use any IDE you like, but we will only be able to provide support for you in classes, help sessions on the forum for VSCode - so you will need to and research solutions to problems yourself if you want to use a different IDE
  • Don't use a text editor as we will be dealing with large projects with many files. Over the course we will explore how to use VSCode to make coding life easier.

1.3. Git Setup

πŸ•› Git Setup & GitLab Crash Coursehttps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2511/25T1/setup/git-setup - If you need a refresher on Git or need to setup Git again, complete this exercise. We will be using git for all lab and assignment work throughout the course - so make sure you're comfortable using it. If you're confident with git you can skip this exercise.

1.4. Other Setup

2. Setup Troubleshooting

If you have any setup issues, please view the ❓Setup Troubleshooting Guidehttps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2511/25T1/setup/setup-troubleshooting before posting on the forum.

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