🙌 ELS/ELP/Speccons

Equitable Learning Services (ELS), Equitable Learning Plan (ELP) and Special Considerations

1. Applicability

This page explains how COMP2511 handles students who either:

Have Questions?

If you have any questions, or the following page doesn't cover your circumstance, please email the course email (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) as soon as possible.

2. How adjustments are made

The following section explains how the most common adjustments are made for each assessment items. If you have any questions or have a unique circumstance that isn't mentioned below, please email the course email as soon as possible.

Discuss your ELP/ELS provisions early

It is the student's responsibility to notify the course of your requirements. If we are notified later in the term, we may not be able to provide the necessary adjustments.

Please email your ELP/ELS document to the course email address (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) as soon as possible. We will then notify you of any further adjustments.

3. Special Consideration Provisions

You can apply for special consideration here: UNSW Special Considerationhttps://www.student.unsw.edu.au/special-consideration. Please make sure you have a read of the page and policies before applying.


You must apply for special consideration within 3 days of the assessment item. If you apply after this date, your application will be rejected.

3.1. Labs

There are no extensions for the weekly labs. This is because we release the lab solutions shortly after the lab is due.

2.1 Labs

If you are granted special consideration for a lab, we will waive your requirement to complete that lab. The mark of this lab will be an average mark of your other completed labs. This is automatically applied when your special consideration is approved.

2.2. Assignment-i

If you are granted special consideration for assignment-i, the extension will be automatically applied when approved. The maximum extension possible extension is 1 week. This 1 week totals both special consideration and ELP/ELS extensions.


Any submissions after this 1 week period after the initial due date will not be accepted

2.3. Assignment-ii

Assignment-ii does not have any extensions, instead if you are granted special consideration, we will reduce the scope of the assignment or adjust the marking criteria to accommodate your circumstance. You should email the course email address to discuss your accommodation.

actions required

Email the course email (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) to discuss your accommodation.

2.4. Assignment-iii

If you are granted special consideration for assignment-iii, the extension will be automatically applied when approved. The maximum extension possible extension is 1 week. This 1 week totals both special consideration and ELP/ELS extensions.


Any submissions after this 1 week period after the initial due date will not be accepted

2.5. Final Exam

If you are granted special consideration for the final exam, you will complete the exam at a later date as a supplementary exam.

Please make sure you are aware of UNSW's Fit to Sit Policyhttps://www.student.unsw.edu.au/special-consideration.


There are only 2 supplementary exams that are offered by the School. If you miss both, you are unlikely to sit the exam. If you have extenuating circumstances, please email the course email address (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) as soon as possible.

4. ELP/ELS Provisions

Equitable Learning Services (formerly known as the Disability Support Unit) is a free and confidential service that provides practical support to ensure your mental or physical health conditions do not adversely affect your studies. Please visit UNSW's page for Equitable Learning Serviceshttps://www.student.unsw.edu.au/equitable-learning.

4.1. Attendance

There are no attendance requirements for this course apart from an in-person final exam. If you are unable to attend campus to mark labs, you can get your labs marked in an Online Tute/Labhttps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2511/25T1/tutorials#2-online-tutorial-invite-links or in a Help Sessionhttps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2511/25T1/help-sessions.

4.2. Labs

If you have an ELP/ELS provision for weekly labs, we do not provide an extension. Instead, we release the labs 1 week ahead of schedule. If further accommodation is needed due to your circumstance, please email the course email address (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) as soon as possible.

4.3. Assignment-i

If you have an ELS extension, this will be automatically applied. The maximum extension possible extension is 1 week. This 1 week totals both special consideration and ELP/ELS extensions.

4.4. Assignment-ii

You must complete assignment-ii in a pair. If you have any questions, please email the course email address (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) as soon as possible.

4.5. Assignment-iii

If you have a 1 week ELP/ELS extension provision, you will only receive it if you complete the assignment individually. You must email the course email to notify us that you are using your ELP/ELS extension.

The maximum extension possible extension is 1 week. This 1 week totals both special consideration and ELP/ELS extensions.

actions required

Email the course email (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) if you wish to use your provision.

4.6. Final Exam

Generally ELP/ELS provisions are handled by the CSE exam team. If you have a question about your provision, please email the course email (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au).


There are only 2 supplementary exams that are offered by the School. If you miss both, you are unlikely to sit the exam. If you have extenuating circumstances, please email the course email address (cs2511@cse.unsw.edu.au) as soon as possible.

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