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Welcome to COMP2511 Object-Oriented Design & Programming!
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Hey all,
We've only got a few announcements, but they're quite important - please read them carefully!
Lab Due Dates 🔬
As we reach week 5, we have some quick reminders about lab due dates as they get a bit funky with flex week. Lab04 is due Week 5 Tuesday, and lab05 is due Week 7 Monday - there is a two week gap between the two as we don't count flex week. From there, lab07 and lab08 are due Week 8 and Week 9 Monday respectively.
Assignment I ⌛
One more week of trains! Assignment I is due this coming Friday at 3:00pm Sydney Time. As with labs, submit your work via Gitlab by pushing to the main branch (we will not accept any work pushed to other branches under any circumstances). The final commit before the hard deadline is what we look at when marking, so feel free to push as many times as you want, including after this Friday if you need more time and are ok with the late penalty (detailed in the spec).
As most of you will have experienced, Gitlab pipelines can slow down a massive amount nearing submission deadlines - we recommend you try to submit early to avoid issues with Gitlab. If you find pipelines slowing down a lot, you can test everything locally (including dryruns) to verify the pipelines yourself instead of waiting for Gitlab to run them. These pipelines are merely a convenience, not a necessity, and as such we will not accept slow pipelines as a reason for any form of leniency.
We've got a lot of help sessions scheduled this week, so feel free to drop into any of them and get assignment help (or any other help) you may need! The schedule is accessible on the course website as always.
Assignment II 🧟
After assignment I, we have assignment II! Group organisation should be coming to a close, and your tutors should either have already assigned groups, or be finalising them over the coming days.
The spec will release on Gitlab and will be accessible on the course website under the assessments tab. It will be released Tuesday-Wednesday for anyone who wants to read it early. The group repos will be released afterwards on Friday night, after the assignment I deadline has passed.
Even though we're releasing the spec early, you aren't expected to read it as soon as it comes out - spend your time on assignment I as you see fit, and once you're happy with your work and you finish submitted, you can move onto assignment II. We are just releasing it early so it's available during flex week and so that you can start early if you want, not because we expect you to.
Considering it's due Week 9 Friday, you have more than enough time to wait until you finish assignment I and potentially also have a bit of a break during flex week before you start assignment II. In the week 7 lectures, we'll also have a section where we'll go over the spec with some added commentary and more detail, so stay tuned for that!
That's about it from us - all the best with assignment 1!
Hi all,
Lab04 is due Tuesday 10am in Week 5.
Our submission scripts will still run on Monday and will be incorrect. Tutors will be aware of this when marking.
Hey all!
Week 3 down - basically 1/3 done with the term! Here are the announcements for this week.
Assignment I 🚆
It's been great seeing so many of you well underway with Assignment 1 and asking questions during labs/help sessions! If you haven't begun yet, now is the best time to - the assignment is due Week 5 Friday at 3pm Sydney Time, just under 2 weeks from now.
As another note, we have a dryrun available on CSE servers and as a manual CI/CD job, with instructions on how to run both dryruns on the spec. These dryruns are not comprehensive autotests - they only check that your code will compile with our marking autotests. This is important as we can't award marks if we can't test your code, and there is no leniency for compilation errors, so we recommend to run the dryrun and run it often. If you are unsure of why your dryrun fails, you can find the contents of the tests here.
As one final bit of assignment related news, we have a lot of help sessions scheduled for you to ask all sorts of questions both in person and online. Similarly, forum questions will regularly be answered thanks to our wonderful tutors - we're here to help you out 🫡
Coursework Marks ✅
Lab marks for the past couple of weeks should be accessible on give - any lab you get marked off with a tutor should show up on give within 24 hours. If you don't see your mark and instead see ., that lab hasn't been marked off yet on our system - if you think it should be marked off, let your tutor know ASAP - either email them or let them know in person.
Assignment II Pairs ✌️
Assignment II group creation should be well underway and will be finalised by the end of this week, so make sure to give preferences to your tutors if you haven't already. They should already have told you how best to give them your preferences, so just fill out their form, send them an email or whatever they asked for!
As another reminder, this assignment can only be completed in pairs from the same tutorial (with one group of 3 for classes with an odd number of people) - this will not be waived under any circumstances.
And that's about it for this week - we've got one more week of design principal content this week, and then we move into the design pattern section of the course for the remaining weeks of term!
Hi everyone,
We've shared a kick-starter video here to help you get started on your assignment! This video builds on the Week 2 Wednesday lecture (spec walkthrough) and provides advice on how to approach domain modelling effectively. You can also find the link for the video in the tips section of the spec.
Hey all,
Week 2 is now over - hope things are still going strong! We've only got a couple of announcements this week:
Assignment I 🚃
Assignment 1 is now fully released! You should have access to both the spec and the repo, accessible on the Assignments tab on the course website! It's great to see plenty of people starting on it already - as we say every term, starting early is the best way to have a good time with the assignment as gathering and deciphering requirements, as well as implementing them with good design, takes quite a while.
There are some things in the upcoming tute which will be useful for the assignment as well - design principles, UML diagrams and testing with JUnit are all quite necessary to complete the assignment.
Note that there have some been changes to the assignment in the:
Viewable on the changelog of the spec
We updated some equality checks to handle NaNs for floating point values
Added a test (disabled by default) which tests for use of static variables. Static variables may cause issues with our testing and lead to reduced marks
Assignment II Pairs 🥢
Over the next couple of weeks, your tutor will begin organising assignment 2 pairs, and will explain what their process for pairing you up is. Please note:
Pairs must be from the same tutorial
You will be given the opportunity to give preferences for pairs, and while we will try our best to match those preferences, we can't guarantee all preferences will be satisfied.
That's about it from us - hope things go smoothly for you with labs and the assignment, and we'll see you all next week 🫡
Hello everybody,
Week 1 has finally come to an end! We hope you had a great first week back at uni and had the chance to meet up with your peers and our staff. Every week, we'll be posting an announcement just like this one on our course website to remind you of the upcoming things each week. Here are the announcements for week 1:
Tutorial Solutions + Recording 🎥
At the end of each week on a Friday, we will release solutions and a recording for the tutorial that week. The Tutorial 01 solutions and some legacy recordings are now available on the tutorials page.
Lab01 ☕
Don’t forget --- Lab01 is due Monday, Week 2, at 10am. Make sure you push (not just commit) your code to Gitlab by the deadline each week. Late submissions won’t be accepted, so don’t miss the cut-off!
We do highly encourage that you give these labs your best shot. A reminder that around 50% of the exam content will be very similar to the labs and tutorials within this course. If you have completed every lab properly, I'm sure you will all smash it with flying colours 😎.
Over the next two weeks, your tutor and lab assistants will be manually marking your submissions during your lab sessions. Be sure to attend so they can mark you off. After this period, labs won’t be marked without a valid reason, as detailed in the course outline.
Assignment I 🚅
The Assignment I specification will be released early next week. We'll be going through the spec in a lecture, so tune into the lectures to get some explanations of what's going on!
Support ❓
The beginning of term often comes with setup challenges and questions about getting to grips with Java. These can be tricky to tackle on your own, so if you’re running into problems, make sure to jump into a help session or post your query on the forum.
And that’s it! I hope you’ve all had a fairly smooth start to your week. Take some time to relax over the weekend, and we’ll see you all again soon 🙌
Welcome to The Art of Software Design (Object-Oriented Design and Programming)! The course outline is now available; please take the time to carefully read it as it contains all the necessary details for the most recent course offering. The course website is located at https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2511/ .
If you have any queries about the course, please use the course forum , see the link in the left panel of the course webpage.
The tutorial and lab start in Week 01. You can find Tutorials and Labs by clicking on the corresponding links in the left panel of the course website .
The first lecture starts at 9am on Monday , 17 Feb 2025! You can find the location and Teams link under "Lectures" in the left panel of the course webpage.
30+ passionate tutors, the administrative staff (Alvin, Sai, Michael, Grace and Daniel), and I are excited to start the new term next week.
Dr Ashesh Mahidadia
LIC, COMP2511 (25T1)
Hey everyone, welcome to COMP2511 🥳!!! Over the next few weeks, we’ll unravel the mysteries of great software design and how it comes to life in the real world. This course is all about equipping you with the skills to stand out as a software engineer, but you're going to hear all about it from your tutors next week :).
My name is Michael (or Mike), and I'm one of the admins this term alongside @Alvin, @Sai, @Grace, and @Daniel! I'm currently in my fourth and final year of my Computer Science degree and have been tutoring this course for quite a while now.
In my spare time I love eating new food, hanging out with friends, playing video games (recently been Baldur's Gate 3 and Marvel Rivals), and most recently dabbling in making games with Godot!
The tutor team and I are very much looking forward to meeting all of you over the coming term, so please feel free to drop an introduction of your own in this thread! Pet pictures are always welcome, so I'll start with my dog Bingo who loves sitting under my desk 😆
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