Is the singularity near?
Monday 21st August
Monday 21st August
Tuesday 22nd August
Wednesday 23rd August
Thursday 24th August
Friday 25th August
Where and when
Explore with us the dream of building machines that might think. Every night, we're putting on a conversation where you can meet some of the leading experts in Artificial Intelligence. They will discuss some of the most pressing questions facing society today. Will robots put us all out of work? Will they transform war? Will they even be the end of humanity? Join us for a drink. Listen. Ask questions. Take part in the conversation.
5.30-7.00pm every night, August 21-25, Cargo Hall (moved from Plus 5 Bar next door), South Wharf, Melbourne. Opposite Melbourne Convention and Exhibtion Centre.
The AI Lounge is organized by the Centre on the Impact of AI and Robotics (CIAIR), as part of the International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI 2017), and runs under the umbrella of the AI Festival. For more details, contact the host of the AI Lounge, Prof. Toby Walsh (tw@cse.unsw.edu.au)