The University of New South Wales

CSE Education Committee

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 23/04)
will be held at 10:00am on Thursday, 25 May 2023 in room K17 113 and on Teams

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


    5 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies John Shepherd
      2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 31 March 2023 John Shepherd
      3. Review of Action Sheet John Shepherd
    5 mins 4. CSE Education Committee Terms of Reference Arcot Sowmya
    10 mins 5.1 ECLIPS, ECOS, Data Cleansing and CSE Course Outlines
    Report on the current state-of-play and what still needs to be done.
    John Shepherd
    10 mins 5.2. New Cyber Security Programs Salil Kanhere
    Richard Buckland
    10 mins 5.3. Elite Students Program
    Current policy ... Proposed changes
    Raveen de Silva
    10 mins 5.4. COMP3121/9101 Revisions
    Proposed changes
    Raveen de Silva
    10 mins 5.5. Small Courses
    Given the growth in student numbers, we will need to have more offerings
    of some large core courses. Can we also afford to keep running courses with
    relatively few students? E.g. do all of the following courses need to run
    in 2024?

      10 COMP6741 Algorithms for Intractable Pbs
      34 COMP9491 Applied AI
      39 COMP9727 Recommender Systems
      44 COMP4511 User Interface Design & Constr
      50 COMP3821 Ext Algorithms&Prog Techniques
      50 COMP9242 Advanced Operating Systems
      51 COMP2111 System Modelling and Design
      55 COMP6733 Internet of Things
      56 COMP4336 Mobile Data Networking
      56 COMP6721 (In-)Formal Methods
      62 COMP3153 Algorithmic Verification
      63 COMP6451 Cryptocurrency and DLT
      78 COMP4337 Securing Fixed & Wireless Netw
      80 COMP4141 Theory of Computation
      82 COMP9032 Microprocessors & Interfacing
      92 COMP4121 Advanced Algorithms
      93 COMP3131 Programming Languages & Compil
      96 COMP3431 Robotic Software Architecture
    Andrew Taylor
    5 mins ACS vs COMP[39]900
    ACS requires that we include industry-based projects in COMP[39]900.
    Can we do realistic projects with the current structure of this course?
    Alan Blair
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.2. MIT "Wireframe" .. Restructuring PG Programs Eric Martin
    5 mins 6.2. Report on UNSW Online Raymond Wong
    ? mins 6.3. Any Other Business  
      7. The next meeting will be held on Friday 26 May at 10:00  
      8. Closure