CSE Education Committee - Meeting Paper
As the agreement with the AMT is now signed, broaden the Informatics Olympiad pathway to "Invited participant at an AMT Informatics Olympiad training camp, competitor at the International Olympiad in Informatics or equivalent experience in high school programming competitions". Note that we can and will reject course substitutions unless the student can demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skills acquired in that course (wording should probably change to demonstrate that they have attained the learning outcomes of that course).
To control the number of students in the program, remove the ATAR (formerly UAI) pathway, since ATAR does not indicate any computing proficiency, and BACS is the more appropriate offering for these students. Also, increase the WAM requirement to join the program to 95, so that students don’t join at WAM 90.xyz and then drop below 90 soon afterwards.
It should be made clear that the programme includes students enrolled in the Advanced Computer Science program, perhaps also to the other undergrad programs at CSE, and to any associated double degrees.
This page should be easier for future students and current students to find, and promoted at AMT camps. This is an excellent way to attract top students, who often report that skipping courses where they already know all the content is a big motivator to join us instead of other universities.
Finally, list Raveen as a co-coordinator alongside Aleks. Also, the page could use a facelift.