Programming Fundamentals
Tutorial Overview:
- Part 1: Introduce yourself!
- Topics Covered: Introductions, Thinking like a programmer.
- Part 2: Q and A
- Topics Covered: Course structure, Where to get help.
- Part 3: Introduction to Linux
- Topics Covered: Linux operating system, the Command line interface.
- Part 4: Introduction to C programming
- Topics Covered: C language features, escape sequences.
- Part 5: Getting Ready for the Lab
- Topics Covered: N/A
Part 1: Introduce yourself!
Objectives: Start thinking about programming, Get to know your tutors and classmates :).
Welcome to COMP1511!
To start off the tutorial, your tutor will guide you through an introductory activity.
Tutors will choose between two activities, shown below:
Option 1: Flower Exercise
You'll be helping your tutor draw a copy of this flower!
Should be a piece of cake!
![flower image](flower.jpg)
Option 2: Strawberry Jam Exercise
You'll be helping your tutor to make and eat a strawberry jam sandwitch!
Should be a piece of cake!
Part 2: Q and A
Objectives: Informing you of the course structure, Answering any queries.
This will be an opportunity for you to ask your tutor any questions you might have about the course!
Potential question topics:
- Course Structure (Lectures vs Tutorials vs Labs)
- Assessment tasks (Exam, Assignments, Labs).
- Where can you go for help with course work.
By the end of this section, you should have a clear understanding of each of these.
If theres something that you're unsure about, don't be afraid to ask!
And if you're still unsure after the Tutorial/Lab, then you can post on the forum and a tutor will respond with an answer :).
Part 3: Introduction to Linux
Objectives: Learn about your programming environment, and how to interact with it.
Your tutor will give a basic introduction to linux: the operating system you'll be using in this course.
Part 4: Introduction to C programming
Objectives: Indentifying C code elements, Constructing a working program.
It's finally time to Program!
You'll be building up to a program that can print out the following:
~ ~ 0 0 o -
Now let's modify what we just printed above to instead print out the following:
~ ~ 0 0 o \_/
Part 5: Getting Ready for the Lab
Your tutor will tell you some important information for the lab, including how to login and what to do. Some of this might happen in the lab room.