Programming Fundamentals
- This page contains extra challenge exercises for week 07.
- These exercises are not compulsory, nor do they provide any marks in the course.
- These exercises are intended for students that want more challenge in the course.
- You cannot submit any of these exercises, however autotests are available for them (Command included at bottom of each exercise).
Odd One Out
You are given an array of odd length n
, where n
< 20,000. All the integers but one will have a duplicate in the array. Your task is to find the integer in the array with no duplicate.
dcc odd_one_out.c -o odd_one_out ./odd_one_out How many numbers will you enter? 9 2 93 2 4 24 26 93 24 26 The odd one out is: 4 ./odd_one_out How many numbers will you enter? 10 You must pick an odd number!
Everyone is welcome to attempt this challenge! This is doable with concepts within the scope of COMP1511. However, those may not be optimal in either speed or memory usage.
The real challenge is to use the XOR bitwise operator, which is outside of the scope of COMP1511. This will be much faster and memory efficient and after scanning in all the numbers, finding the odd one out can be done using only a single loop. This is for students who are keen to learn new concepts and challenge their current understanding.
Count File Lines
Write a program called count_file_lines.c
that takes in a file name from the
terminal and prints out the number of lines in that file
Creating a file
At this point in the course, you have created C files for all your exercises. Text editors such as VSCode are capable of handling any type of file containing text. We are going to open a new file with VSCode that we will access in our C program. Run the following command:
code text_file.txt
Now, put whatever text you want inside of this file. For our example, we will use:
We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy
Opening a File
The first important thing to do is make sure you have #include <stdio.h>
your program. From here, you can include the line:
FILE *file = fopen("text_file.txt", "r");
On the left-hand side, we are creating a variable file
that is a pointer to a
. You do not need to understand what FILE
is, just know that it is the
type of data that file
wants to point at.
On the right-hand side, we are calling a function fopen()
. This function
takes in the name of the file that we want to read as well as the "mode" to
access the file.
There are many modes
to access the file in, however, we are using "r"
as this corresponds to "read"
since we want to read the file in our case.
As an overview, this line of code is creating a pointer to the file we just created, which we can now access in our C program!
Reading from a file
Now, reading a line from the file is almost identical to how we read lines from the terminal.
First, we create an array of characters to read the line into:
char line[MAX_SIZE];
Then we can use fgets()
in a very similar manner:
fgets(line, MAX_SIZE, file);
The difference in fgets()
here is that we have replaced stdin
with file
In simple terms, fgets()
will take input from whatever place the third
parameter points to. In the case of stdin
it will take input from the
terminal and in the case of file
, it will take input from the file we
We can now print out the contents of line
like so:
printf("%s", line);
And we should receive this in the terminal:
We're no strangers to love
If we were to call fgets()
in exactly the same way as before, it will then
scan the next line of the file which we could print out.
Run the commands below and compile the C file optained to see how the text file can be printed.
Download file_example.c here, or copy it to your CSE account using the following command:
cp -n /import/adams/A/cs1511/public_html/24T3/activities/count_file_lines/example_file_io/file_example.c .
Download text_file.txt here, or copy it to your CSE account using the following command:
cp -n /import/adams/A/cs1511/public_html/24T3/activities/count_file_lines/example_file_io/text_file.txt .
Back to the program
Now that we understand files, we can continue. In this exercise, you are to
write code in count_file_lines.c
that takes a file name as input and prints
out how many lines are in that file.
You will need to make your own files to test this as none will be provided. Some examples are provided below, you can assume that the files provided will have the correct number of lines seen in the output.
dcc count_file_lines.c -o count_file_lines ./count_file_lines super_secret_file.txt 'super_secret_file.txt' contains 7893 lines. ./count_file_lines meaning_of_life.txt 'meaning_of_life.txt' contains 42 lines. ./count_file_lines count_file_lines.c 'count_file_lines.c' contains 34 lines.
Extra-hard challenge: Cracking A Substitution Cipher
Write a C program crack_substitution.c
which decrypts text encrypted by an
unknown substitution cipher.
Your program should make no assumptions about the language of the original text
- don't assume its English. In other words don't hard code English properties into your program, extract the statistical properties from the sample plain text. However, you can assume the English alphabet ('a'..'z').
Your program will be given as its first line of input the name of a file containing a large amount of unencrypted text in the same language as the encrypted text.
For example your program might be given this file containing 188k characters of English text (wikipedia sentences from here) Your program will be given the encrypted text on the next lines. You may read it all before printing the decryption.
dcc crack_substitution.c -o crack_substitution ./crack_substitution wiki_sentences.txt M'ka paat dra qegbu, ueta md xbb Rxu vw fxya teq Umxvetup, ogmbbmxtd, mt Oab-Xmg teq Red psvvag tmlrdp, vmu Jsbw Qrat wes xtu M qaga negakag qmbu Dra fgxzw uxwp, fmdw bmlrdp Dra qxw wes'u cbxw qmdr va bmya x frmbu Qmbb wes pdmbb beka va Qrat M'v te betlag westl xtu oaxsdmnsb? Qmbb wes pdmbb beka va Qrat M'ka led tedrmtl osd vw xfrmtl pesb? M yteq wes qmbb, M yteq wes qmbb M yteq drxd wes qmbb Qmbb wes pdmbb beka va qrat M'v te betlag oaxsdmnsb? M'ka paat dra qegbu, bmd md sc Xp vw pdxla teq Frxbbatlmtl xtlabp mt x taq xla teq Red psvvag uxwp, gefy t gebb Dra qxw wes cbxw neg va xd wesg preq Xtu xbb dra qxwp, M led de yteq Wesg cgaddw nxfa xtu abafdgmf pesb I've seen the world, done it all Had my cake now Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel-Air now Hot summer nights, mid July When you and I were forever wild The crazy days, city lights The way you'd play with me like a child Will you still love me When I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me When I've got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will I know that you will Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful? I've seen the world, lit it up As my stage now Challenging angels in a new age now Hot summer days, rock n roll The way you play for me at your show And all the ways, I got to know Your pretty face and electric soul
- You may assume the filename given on the first line of input is at most
characters. - You may assume the encrypted text on stdin contains at most
characters. - You may assume the unencrypted example text in the file contains at most
characters. - Hint: you will need to look at the probabilities of sequences of 2 or perhaps 3 letters occurring or perhaps the probabilities of words.
- Hint: use
to open the file andfgetc
to read the file. These won't be covered in lectures, so read this example program to see how to use this functions to read a file. - An autotest is available to help you test your program but because this is a difficult problem it is possible very good attempts at the problem won't pass the autotests.