Programming Fundamentals


  • working with structs and pointers
  • introducing linked lists
  • using memory allocation

Reminder: Help sessions

Help sessions are running this week!

These are one of the best ways for you to get one on one help with a tutor for any course content (including Lab Exercises and Assignments).

For the dates and times of the help sessions, see the Help Session Timetable.

To join a help session, or for more information, see the COMP1511 Help Session Microsoft Teams.

For face-to-face help sessions, the lab map can be found Here.

Activities To Be Completed

The following is a list of all the activities available to complete this week...

Worth 1 mark(s) in total:

  • debug_insert_second_last
  • mallocd_array
  • list_print
  • list_length
  • list_insert_head

Worth 1 mark(s) in total:

  • list_contains
  • list_insert_tail
  • list_insert_nth
  • list_get_nth_v2

Worth 0.5 mark(s) in total:

  • lock_picking
  • list_reverse

For your interest, but not for marks:

  • student_becomes_teacher

Problem sets are capped at 15 marks (there are 4 possible bonus marks from the three-dot exercises that can bring you up to a total of 15 if you missed out on any other marks in the one- or two-dot exercises).

Completing just the one and two-dot exercises every week can give you the full 15 marks needed in this component.

For more details, see the course outline.


Before the lab you should re-read the relevant lecture slides and their accompanying examples.

When attempting the following exercises, make sure to read the whole exercise, including any hints and assumptions that may make the exercise easier.


Debugging - List insert second last

Download debug_insert_second_last.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity debug_insert_second_last

Debugging Tips!

Some debugging tips for you:

  • dcc output - as you run into issues, dcc will point you to where the errors are. Remember that dcc gives you the line number the issue is on, and will give some sort of explanation. Make sure you read everything dcc gives you. Sometimes we get “errors carried forward”, so find your first error, fix that, then recompile.
  • print statements - sometimes it can be handy to see if the flow of your code puts you in the spot you expect it to be (ie. inside the right if statement, or going through a loop the correct amount of times). A quick way you can check this is by putting print statements in your code for testing purposes, like "the value of x is %d and y is %d". This lets you check that you got against what you expected.
  • COMP1511 debugging guide

The Task

This exercise takes in the length of a linked list, followed by the elements of the list. Then it takes in a single value to be inserted as the second last node of the list previously created.

For example if the existing list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> X and a node with value 4 is being inserted, after insertion the list is as follows: 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3 -> X. Note, the node containging the value 4 is inserted before the node containing the value 3 since the node containing the value 3 is at the tail (i.e the last node) of the listsince it points at null.

Currently it has some issues when attempting to insert the value as the second last node in the list - it is your job to figure them out and fix the code.


dcc debug_insert_second_last.c -o debug_insert_second_last
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
1 2 3
Enter the value to insert: 4
[1, 2, 4, 3]
How many numbers in initial list?: 6
5 2 9 10 4 7
Enter the value to insert: 0
[5, 2, 9, 10, 4, 0, 7]
How many numbers in initial list?: 1
Enter the value to insert: 5
[5, 23]
How many numbers in initial list?: 0
Enter the value to insert: 4


  • You do not need to edit the main(), array_to_list(), print_list() or get_list_length() functions.
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style debug_insert_second_last.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest debug_insert_second_last

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_debug_insert_second_last debug_insert_second_last.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Working with malloc'd arrays

Download mallocd_array.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity mallocd_array

Your task is to add code to these functions in mallocd_array.c:

// A function which scans in `size` integers and stores them into a 
// malloc'd array.
// returns: a pointer to the malloc'd array
int *scan_array(int size) {
    // TODO: 1. create a MALLOC'd array of size `size`

    // TODO: 2. Loop through and scan values into the array.

    // TODO 3.delete the following line and return the array.
    return NULL;
// Given an integer array and it's size, 
// returns the sum of all elements inside the array, divided by the size of the
// array.
double calculate_average(int *array, int size) {
    // TODO calculate the sum of the array.

    return 0;

Complete the C program, mallocd_array.c.

The main function has already been written for you. You must not modify it in any way.


dcc mallocd_array.c -o mallocd_array
Enter size: 5
Enter 5 integers:
The average of all values in the array is: 3.00
Enter size: 1
Enter 1 integers:
The average of all values in the array is: 10.00
Enter size: 3
Enter 3 integers:
The average of all values in the array is: -0.67


  • You do not need to handle memory leaks for this exercise. i.e. You should not call free
  • All inputs be of the correct type
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style mallocd_array.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest mallocd_array

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_mallocd_array mallocd_array.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Print out the elements of a Linked List

Download list_print.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_print

Your task is to add code to this function in list_print.c:

// print a linked list in this format:
// 17 -> 34 -> 51 -> 68 -> X
void print(struct node *head) {


print is given one argument, head, which is the pointer to the first node in a linked list.

Your program will be supplied up to 50 integers, which will be put into a linked list that is passed to the print.

Add code to print so that it prints the elements in the list.

For example, if the linked list contains these 8 elements:

1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 19, 21, 42

print should print

1 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 13 -> 19 -> 21 -> 42 -> X

(including the X)


list_print.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your print function.

This main function:

  • converts the input from terminal into a linked list
  • assigns a pointer to the first node in the linked list to head
  • calls list_print(head)

Do not change this function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your list_print function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your list_print function.


dcc list_print.c -o list_print
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256

1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 8 -> 16 -> 32 -> 64 -> 128 -> 256 -> X
2 4 6 5 8 9

2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 5 -> 8 -> 9 -> X
42 4

42 -> 4 -> X

43 -> X



  • You can assume the input will never be more than 50 integers.
  • print should not change the linked list it is given. Your function should not change the next or data fields of list nodes.
  • print should not use arrays.
  • print should not call malloc.
  • print should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets).
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked.
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_print.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_print

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_print list_print.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Find the length of a Linked List

Download list_length.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_length

Your task is to add code to this function in list_length.c:

// Return the length of the linked list pointed by head
int length(struct node *head) {

    // PUT YOUR CODE HERE (change the next line!)
    return 42;


For this exercise, you will be given a linked list nodes containing integers, shown below.

struct node {
    struct node *next;
    int          data;

Your job is to complete the length function.

length is given one argument, head, which is the pointer to the first node in a linked list.

Add code to length so that its returns the length of the list.

For example if the linked list contains these 8 elements:

1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 19, 21, 42

length should return 8.


list_length.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your length function.

This main function:

  1. scans in number of items in the list, and its values; to create a linked list,
  2. assigns a pointer to the first node in the linked list to head,
  3. calls list_length(head), then
  4. prints the result.

Do not change this function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your list_length function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your list_length function


dcc list_length.c -o list_length
How many numbers in initial list?: 9
1 2 3 6 5 4 9 9 0
Counted 9 elements in linked list.
How many numbers in initial list?: 6
1 2 3 6 5 4
Counted 6 elements in linked list.
How many numbers in initial list?: 5
1 2 3 4 5
Counted 5 elements in linked list.
How many numbers in initial list?: 2
42 4
Counted 2 elements in linked list.
How many numbers in initial list?: 0
Counted 0 elements in linked list.


  • length should return a single integer
  • length should not change the linked list it is given
  • Your function should not change the next or data fields of list nodes
  • length should not use arrays
  • length should not call malloc
  • length should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets)
  • length should not print anything. It should not call printf
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_length.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_length

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_length list_length.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Insert an element at the head of a Linked List

Download list_insert_head.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_insert_head

Your task is to add code to this function in list_insert_head.c:

// Insert a new node containing value at the start of the linked list.
// The head of the new list is returned.
struct node *insert_head(int value, struct node *head) {

    // PUT YOUR CODE HERE (change the next line!)
    return NULL;


insert_head is given two arguments, value and head.

  • value is an int
  • head is the pointer to the first node in a linked list

Add code to insert_head so that it creates a new list node (using malloc) containing value and places it at the start of the list.

insert_head should return a pointer to the new list.

For example if value is 12 and the linked list contains these 3 elements:

16, 7, 8

insert_head should return a pointer to a list with these elements:

12, 16, 7, 8


list_insert_head.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your insert_head function.

This main function:

  1. converts the first set of read integers to a linked list,
  2. assigns a pointer to the first node in the linked list to head
  3. reads another single integer from standard input and assigns it to value
  4. calls insert_head(value, head)
  5. prints the result.

Do not change this function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your insert_head function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your insert_head function

dcc list_insert_head.c -o list_insert_head
How many numbers in initial list?: 
16 7 8
Enter number to insert to head: 
[12, 16, 7, 8]
How many numbers in initial list?: 
Enter number to insert to head: 
[42, 16]
How many numbers in initial list?: 
Enter number to insert to head: 


  • insert_head should not use arrays
  • insert_head should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets)
  • insert_head should not print anything. It should not call printf
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_insert_head.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_insert_head

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_insert_head list_insert_head.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Find an element in a Linked List

Download list_contains.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_contains

Your task is to add code to this function in list_contains.c:

// Return 1 if value occurs in linked list, 0 otherwise
int contains(char *value, struct node *head) {

    // PUT YOUR CODE HERE (change the next line!)
    return 42;

contains is given two arguments, a string value and head which is the pointer to the first node in a linked list.

Add code to contains so that it returns 1 if value occurs in the linked list and otherwise it returns 0.

For example if the linked list contains these 7 elements:

"mozzarella" "pepperoni" "basil" "ham" "tomato bacon" "cheesy-crust" "bocconcini"

and contains is called with value of "mozzarella",

contains should return 1.


list_contains.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your contains function.

This main function:

  1. Asks for how many strings will be in our list,
  2. reads in and converts that n many strings to a linked list,
  3. assigns a pointer to the first node in the linked list to head,
  4. reads another single string from standard input and assigns it to value.
  5. calls list_contains(value, head) and
  6. prints the result.

Do not change this function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your list_contains function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your list_contains function


dcc list_contains.c -o list_contains
How many strings in initial list?: 4
Enter word to check contained: basil
How many strings in initial list?: 4
Enter word to check contained: mozzarella
How many strings in initial list?: 4
Enter word to check contained: mushroom
How many strings in initial list?: 4
Enter word to check contained: pepperoni
How many strings in initial list?: 0
Enter word to check contained: tomato


  • String matching is case sensitive. "Tomato" does not match "tomato". No strings will have the space character in them
  • contains should return a single integer.
  • contains should not change the linked list it is given. Your function should not change the next or data fields of list nodes.
  • contains should not use arrays.
  • contains should not call malloc.
  • contains should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets).
  • contains should not print anything. It should not call printf.
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked.
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_contains.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_contains

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_contains list_contains.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Insert an element at the tail of a Linked List

Download list_insert_tail.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_insert_tail

Your task is to add code to this function in list_insert_tail.c:

// Insert a new node containing value at the end of the linked list.
// Parameters:
//      `int value`         : The value to insert.
//      `struct list *list` : a struct * containing the head pointer of the 
//      linked list.
void insert_tail(int value, struct list *list) {

insert_tail is given two arguments:

  • value is an int
  • list is the pointer to a struct list which contains
  • the head (a pointer to the first node) of the linked list

Add code to insert_tail so that it creates a new list node (using malloc) containing value and places it at the end of the list.

insert_tail should return nothing.

For example if value is 12 and the linked list contains these 3 elements:

16, 7, 8

insert_tail should modify the linked list so that it now has these elements:

16, 7, 8, 12


list_insert_tail.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your insert_tail function.

This main function:

  1. Asks for the size of the initial linked list
  2. converts the first set of scanned inputs to a linked list
  3. stores the first node of the linked list in a struct list.
  4. reads a single integer from standard input and assigns it to value
  5. calls insert_tail(value, list)
  6. prints the result.

Do not change this main function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your insert_tail function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your insert_tail function


dcc list_insert_tail.c -o list_insert_tail
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
16 7 8
Enter value to insert: 12
[16, 7, 8, 12]
How many numbers in initial list?: 1
Enter value to insert: 42
[16, 42]
How many numbers in initial list?: 0
Enter value to insert: 2


  • insert_tail should not use arrays
  • insert_tail should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets)
  • insert_tail should not print anything. It should not call printf
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_insert_tail.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_insert_tail

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_insert_tail list_insert_tail.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Insert into the nth position in a Linked List

Download list_insert_nth.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_insert_nth

Your task is to add code to this function in list_insert_nth.c:

// Insert a new node containing value at position n of the linked list.
// if n == 0, node is inserted at start of list
// if n >= length of list, node is appended at end of list
// The head of the new list is returned.
struct node *insert_nth(int n, int value, struct node *head) {
    return NULL;

insert_nth is given three arguments, n value and head

  • n is an int.
  • value is an int.
  • head is the pointer to the first node in a linked list.

Add code to insert_nth so that it creates a new list node (using malloc) containing value and places it before position n of the list.

The elements are counted in the same manner as array elements (zero-based), so the first element in the list is regarded as at position 0, the second element position 1 and so on.

If there are less than n elements in the list, the new list node should be appended to the end of the list.

insert_nth should return a pointer to the new list.

For example if n is 1 and value is 12 and the linked list contains these 3 elements:

16, 7, 8

insert_nth should return a pointer to a list with these elements:

16, 12, 7, 8


list_insert_nth.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your insert_nth function.

This main function:

  1. Asks for the size of the linked list,
  2. asks for standard input to convert to a linked list,
  3. assigns a pointer to the first node in the linked list to head,
  4. reads an integer from standard input and assigns it to n,
  5. reads a second integer from standard input and assigns it to value
  6. calls insert_nth(n, value, head) and
  7. prints the result.

Do not change this function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your insert_nth function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your insert_nth function

dcc list_insert_nth.c -o list_insert_nth
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
16 7 8
Enter position and value to insert: 0 12
[12, 16, 7, 8]
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
16 7 8
Enter position and value to insert: 1 12
[16, 12, 7, 8]
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
16 7 8
Enter position and value to insert: 2 12
[16, 7, 12, 8]
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
16 7 8
Enter position and value to insert: 3 12
[16, 7, 8, 12]
How many numbers in initial list?: 3
16 7 8
Enter position and value to insert: 42 12
[16, 7, 8, 12]
How many numbers in initial list?: 1
Enter position and value to insert: 0 16
[16, 42]
How many numbers in initial list?: 0
Enter position and value to insert: 0 2
How many numbers in initial list?: 0
Enter position and value to insert: 10 2


  • insert_nth should not use arrays.
  • insert_nth should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets).
  • insert_nth should not print anything. It should not call printf.
  • The n provided will always be non-negative
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked.
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_insert_nth.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_insert_nth

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_insert_nth list_insert_nth.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Print the value in the nth position of a Linked List

Download list_get_nth_v2.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_get_nth_v2

Your task is to complete the program list_get_nth_v2.c. This will be achieved by completing the get_nth function. The program will ask the user to input the length of a linked list and the number of elements it contains. It will then ask for an nth element. The elements are counted in the same manner as array elements (zero-based), so the first element in the list is regarded as n = 0, the second element as n = 1 and so on. In the case where there is no nth element in the list, an error message should be printed out.


dcc list_get_nth_v2.c -o list_get_nth_v2
How many elements in the list: 5
5 2 6 1 6

Which nth element would you like to find: 0
The nth value is 5!
How many elements in the list: 6
1 2 3 4 5 6

Which nth element would you like to find: 7
ERROR: no nth element in list.


  • The list will always have at least one element.
  • The nth value will always be a whole number >= 0.
  • Correct number of elements will always be given.
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_get_nth_v2.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_get_nth_v2

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_get_nth_v2 list_get_nth_v2.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Lock Picking

Download lock_picking.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity lock_picking

You have been provided with some starter code in lock_picking.c. In this activity you will complete the function pick_lock.

A mathematician has devised a way to break AES-256 encryption. In order to protect this secret they've hidden it in a drawer protected by a lock they believe is so hard to break that only they can solve it. The lock consists of two dials with numbers. To unlock the draw the dials must be rotated so that both dials have the same number at the top. This number at the top will be the solution. However, this must be done in the least number of moves possible otherwise the drawer does not unlock.

If there are multiple ways for the dials to reach the minimum number of moves:

  1. Dial 1 should have the least moves possible.
  2. The dial should prioritise rotating right over rotating left.

For example if there are 3 possible solutions including:

  • Dial 1 (5 moves) Dial 2 (1 move)
  • Dial 1 (4 moves) Dial 2 (2 moves)
  • Dial 1 (1 move) Dial 2 (8 moves) The one that should be chosen as the solution is Dial 1 (4 moves) Dial 2 (2 moves). This is as 4 < 5 and even though the third option only has 1 move, the total moves (1 + 8) is greater than option 2 (4 + 2).

When entering the input for the dial, it starts at the top number and moves around the disk clockwise (moving to the right). For example if the input for the first dial was 5 3 6 2 1 7 6 12 and the second dial was 7 6 2 here is an example of how these disks would look like and how to solve them:


dcc lock_picking.c -o lock_picking
How many numbers in the dial: 8
5 3 6 2 1 7 6 12
How many numbers in the dial: 3
7 6 2

Solution = 6
Dial 1: turn 2 step(s) to the right.
Dial 2: turn 1 step(s) to the left.
dcc lock_picking.c -o lock_picking
How many numbers in the dial: 5
1 2 3 4 5
How many numbers in the dial: 6
5 4 3 2 1 6

Solution = 5
Dial 1: turn 1 step(s) to the right.
Dial 2: don't turn.
dcc lock_picking.c -o lock_picking
How many numbers in the dial: 1
How many numbers in the dial: 1

Error: Lock is impossible to solve!


  • Dials can have the same number multiple times.
  • Both dials will always contain at least one number.
  • The dial can be of any length.
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style lock_picking.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest lock_picking

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_lock_picking lock_picking.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


Reverse a Linked List

Download list_reverse.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity list_reverse

Your task is to add code to this function in list_reverse.c:

// Place the list pointed to by head into reverse order.
// The head of the list is returned.
struct node *reverse(struct node *head) {

    // PUT YOUR CODE HERE (change the next line!)
    return NULL;


Note list_reverse.c uses the following familiar data type:

struct node {
    struct node *next;
    int          data;

list_reverse is given one argument, head which is the pointer to the first node in the linked list.

Add code to reverse which rearranges the list to be in reverse order.

reverse should return a pointer to the new list.

reverse must rearrange the list by changing the next fields of nodes.

reverse must not change the data fields of nodes.

For example if the linked list contains these 8 elements:

16, 7, 8, 12, 13, 19, 21, 12

reverse should return a pointer to a list with these elements:

12, 21, 19, 13, 12, 8, 7, 16


list_reverse.c also contains a main function which allows you to test your list_reverse function.

This main function:

  • takes in the size of the linked list,
  • converts the input numbers to a linked list,
  • assigns a pointer to the first node in the linked list to head,
  • calls reverse(head) and
  • prints the result.

Do not change this function. If you want to change it, you have misread the question.

Your list_reverse function will be called directly in marking. The main function is only to let you test your list_reverse function


dcc list_reverse.c -o list_reverse
How many numbers in list?: 8
16 7 8 12 13 19 21 12
[12, 21, 19, 13, 12, 8, 7, 16]
How many numbers in list?: 6
2 4 6 2 4 6
[6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2]
./list_reverse 42
How many numbers in list?: 1
How many numbers in list?: 0


  • list_reverse should not change the data fields of list nodes
  • list_reverse should not use arrays
  • list_reverse should not call malloc
  • list_reverse should not call scanf (or getchar or fgets)
  • list_reverse should not print anything. It should not call printf
  • Do not change the supplied main function. It will not be tested or marked
You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style list_reverse.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest list_reverse

When you are finished working on this exercise, you must submit your work by running give:

give cs1511 lab08_list_reverse list_reverse.c

You must run give before Tuesday 09 April 20:00 to obtain the marks for this lab exercise. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.


The Student Becomes The Teacher

Welcome to Week 8 of COMP1511. The end of term is in sight!

If you've come this far in this week's lab, you're probably feeling pretty confident in some aspects of the course! So, why not help yourself and your peers by creating a resource that teaches a concept in COMP1511?


For this exercise, create content that helps teach a concept in COMP1511. This could be a video, a program, a blog, or anything else you can think of.

If you're not sure what to do, chat to your tutor for inspiration!

When you're done, post your creation on the forum.

We may also post some of the resources you share in one place, so everyone can benefit from them!

If you're interested in becoming a tutor for a COMP course, this can also be great practice, as one requirement we have for tutoring applicants is making a short explainer video.

This is the last challenge exercise for the term! Next week, we will have this exercise as well; so you'll have two weeks to complete this :)

Exercise — individual:
(Not For Marks) Debugging - Product

Download debug_product.c here

Or, copy these file(s) to your CSE account using the following command:

1511 fetch-activity debug_product

Note that this exercise is not marked or worth marks!

Debugging Tips!

Some debugging tips for you:

  • dcc output - as you run into issues, dcc will point you to where the errors are. Remember that dcc gives you the line number the issue is on, and will give some sort of explanation. Make sure you read everything dcc gives you. Sometimes we get “errors carried forward”, so find your first error, fix that, then recompile.
  • print statements - sometimes it can be handy to see if the flow of your code puts you in the spot you expect it to be (ie. inside the right if statement, or going through a loop the correct amount of times). A quick way you can check this is by putting print statements in your code for testing purposes, like "the value of x is %d and y is %d". This lets you check that you got against what you expected.
  • COMP1511 debugging guide

The Task

This exercise takes integers as command line arguments and calculates their cumulative product. However, if the number is 0 or not an integer, it is not added to the cumulative product of command line arguments. Currently it has some issues - it is your job to figure them out and fix the code.


dcc debug_product.c -o debug_product
./debug_product 0 1 2 3 4 5
Product: 120
./debug_product -5 1 -1 -2
Product: -10
./debug_product 100 these are my arguments -2
Product: -200
./debug_product these are my command line arguments
Product: 0


  • You may find the atoi() function in the C standard library (stdlib.h) useful.
  • You may assume that argv[0] will always be the program name.


Below is a video walkthrough of this exercise! Make sure to attempt it before watching this video

You can run an automated code style checker using the following command:
1511 style debug_product.c

When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest debug_product


When you are finished each exercises make sure you submit your work by running give.

You can run give multiple times. Only your last submission will be marked.

Don't submit any exercises you haven't attempted.

If you are working at home, you may find it more convenient to upload your work via give's web interface.

Remember you have until Week 9 Tuesday 20:00 to submit your work.

You cannot obtain marks by e-mailing your code to tutors or lecturers.

You check the files you have submitted here.

Automarking will be run by the lecturer several days after the submission deadline, using test cases different to those autotest runs for you. (Hint: do your own testing as well as running autotest.)

After automarking is run by the lecturer you can view your results here. The resulting mark will also be available via give's web interface.