// List get nth // list_get_nth.c // // This program was written by YOUR-NAME-HERE (z5555555) // on INSERT-DATE-HERE // // Prints the nth element in a linked list #include #include struct node { struct node *next; int data; }; void create_list(struct node *head); void get_nth(struct node *head, int n); void delete_list(struct node *head); // WARNING: Do not change the main function! // calls the functions for code to operate int main(void) { struct node *head = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); create_list(head); int n; printf("Which nth element would you like to find: "); scanf("%d", &n); get_nth(head, n); delete_list(head); return 0; } // finds the nth element of a linked list void get_nth(struct node *head, int n) { // TODO: complete this function! } // WARNING: Do not change this function! // creates a linked list void create_list(struct node *head) { int num_elements; printf("How many elements in the list: "); scanf("%d", &num_elements); struct node *current = head; // always at least one element in list int data; scanf("%d", &data); current->data = data; int i = 1; while (i < num_elements) { current->next = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); current = current->next; scanf("%d", &data); current->data = data; i++; } current->next = NULL; printf("\n"); } // WARNING: Do not change this function! // frees all the memory associated with the linked list void delete_list(struct node *head) { struct node *current = head; while (current != NULL) { struct node *delete = current; current = current->next; free(delete); } }