Toby Walsh
School of Computer Science and Engineering University of New South Wales Sydney Australia |
Global Constraints: The 2nd International Summer School of the Association for Constraint Programming, consiting of an Advanced School and International Workshop that I am co-chairing June 2006. Optimization Day: The 1st Workshop of the NICTA Technical Focus Group on Optimization, May 30th 2006 (just before TechFest). Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints: An IJCAI-2005 workshop that I co-chaired July 2005. SAT 2005: Eighth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing that I co-chaired June 2005. Constraint Programming for Planning and Scheduling: An ICAP-2005 workshop that I co-chaired June 2005. IJCAR 2004: The International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning that I chaired in July 2004. IJCAI 2003: I chaired the poster section of the International Joint Conference on AI in August 2003. Challenges and Novel Applications in Automated Reasoning: A CADE-19 workshop that I am co-chaired July 2003. Probabilistic Approaches in Search: An AAAI-2002 workshop that I co-chaired July 2002. Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints: An ECAI-2002 workshop that I chaired July 2002. ERCIM 2002: I was one of the organizers of the Joint Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints and the CologNet area on Constraint and Logic Programming in June 2002. QBF-02: The 2nd International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulae that I co-chaired May 2002. 9th ARW: The 9th Workshop on Automated Reasoning that I chaired April 2002. CP 2001: I chaired the Constraint Programming conference in 2001. (Poster, poster artist, accepted papers) AAAI 2001 Fall Symposium: A meeting on "Using Uncertainty within Computation" that I organized in 2001. (Poster, Plenary talk) SARA 2000: The Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation that I co-chaired with Berthe Choueiry in 2000. ConsNet-99: The inaugural meeting of the UK Constraints Network of Excellence that I organized in 1999. Empirical Methods: A series of workshop held alongside IJCAI and ECAI that I organized. CIAO-99: The 1999 Clam-Inka-And-Omrs (CIAO-99) workshop that I ran. |
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