
Editorial positions:
Managing Editor of AI Access Books.
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (retired).
Editor-in-Chief of AI Communications (retired).
Editorial board of Constraints, Journal of Automated Reasoning, Logical Methods in Computer Science and Engineers Australia magazine.
Guest editor of Journal of Automated Reasoning, SAT 2005.
Guest editor of Journal of Automated Reasoning, SAT 2000, Vol 24, Issue 1/2 and Issue 4.

Conference and Programme chairs:
Program Chair of ADT-2015, Lexington, USA, 2015.
General Chair of PRICAI-2014, Gold Coast, 2014.
Co-Chair of COMSOC-2014, Pittsburgh, 2014.
Program Chair of IJCAI-2011, Barcelona, 2011.
Conference Chair of CP-2008, Sydney, 2008.
Conference and Program Chair of SAT-2005, St Andrews, 2005.
Conference Chair of IJCAR-2004, Cork, 2004.
Program Chair of CP-2001, Cyprus, 2001 (accepted papers).
Chair of AAAI 2001 Fall Symposium on Using Uncertainty within Computation.
Chair of SARA-2000, Austin 2000.

2015. ACP award for Research Excellence.
2014. Humboldt prize.
2013. ICJAI 2013 Best Educational Video award.
2011. AAAI 2011 Outstanding Paper award.
2011. TARK XIII Best Poster award.
2008. Elected AAAI fellow.
2006. CP-2006. Best Poster award.
2006. ECAI 2006. Best Poster award.
2006. ECAI 2006. Paper voted one of the best 10 submissions.
2004. ECAI 2004. Paper voted one of the best 10 submissions.
2003. Elected Fellow of the European Association for AI.
2000. AAAI 2000 Outstanding Paper award.

Other chairs:
Chair of 1st International Workshop on AI and Ethics, Austin, 2015.
Chair of 1st and 2nd Game Theory meets Optimisation workshops.
Chair of 1st, 2nd and 3rd International Optimisation Summer School, Kioloa, NSW, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
(Incorportating the 9th International Summer School of the Association for Constraint Programming in 2013).
Chair of 2nd International Summer School of the Association for Constraint Programming, Samos, 2006.
Workshop chair of ECAI-2006, Trento, 2006.
Poster Chair of IJCAI-2003, Acapulco, Mexico, August 2003.
Tutorial chair of IJCAR-2001, Siena 2001.
Tutorial and workshop chair of CP-2000, Singapore 2000.
Chair of inaugural ConsNet-99 meeting, Edinburgh, 1999.

Other activities:
Invited/keynote speaker at KI-2014, FOGA-2013 (slides), ILP-2011, CLIMA-2010, ECAI-2010, IPEC-2010, PRICAI-2010, STAIRS-2010, AAAI-2009 Spring Symposium (ppt slides), ANZMC-2008, AAAI'07, AI'06, MICAI-2004 (ppt slides). PDPAR'04 (ppt slides), CP-2003 (ppt slides), SAT-2003 (ppt slides), AWCL-2002, ICTP 2002 conference, DX-02, ICTP 1999 conference, DARPA ANTS-99, ISIF 1998 conference.
Area chair of IJCAI-2013. IJCAI-2015. IJCAI-2016.
Senior programme committee of AAMAS-2016, CP-2016, CP-2015, AAAI-2015, CP-2014, AAMAS-2013, AAAI-2013, CP-2013, AAMAS-2012, CP-2012, IJCAI-2009, AI'08, AAAI-2008, AI'07, AAAI-2007, AI'06, IJCAI-2005.
Elected AAAI Executive Council (2010-2013).
Elected CP organizing committee (2003-2005), appointed secretary.
Elected trustee of the Conference on Automated Deduction (2002-2005).
Area chair (automated reasoning) for CologNet.
Programme commtitee of AAAI-2016, AAMAS-2016, COMSOC-2016, CP-2016, EC-2016, IJCAI-2016, ISAIM-2016, PRICAI-2016, SoCS-2016, AAAI-2015, BESC-2015, BRACIS-2015, CP-2015, CPAIOR-2015, EC-2015, ICTAI-2015, IJCAI-2015, KI-2015, SOCS-2015, AAMAS-2015, LION-9, AAAI-2014, BESC-2014, BRACIS/ENIAC-2014, CP-2014, ICTAI-2014, JELIA-2014, KI-2014, LION-8, SEA-2014, SOCS-2014, SR-2014, AAMAS-2013, AAAI-2013, ADT-2013, BRACIS-2013, CP-2013, CPAIOR-2013, ICTAI-2013, IJCAI-2013, IS-2013, KI-2013, LION-7, SARA-2013, SAT-2013, SoCS-2013, AAAI-2012, AAMAS-2012, CICM-2012, COMSOC-2012, CP-2012, ECAI-2012, ICTAI-2012, JELIA-2012, KI-2012, KR-2012, LION-2012, LPAR-18, MICAI-2012, PRICAI-2012, SAT-2012, SBIA-2012, SOCS-2012, AAAI-2011 (Nectar track), ADT-2011, AI'11, CP-2011, ICTAI-2011, KI-2011, LION-2011, MICAI-2011, SARA-2011, SAT-2011, SoCS-2011, AI'10, AAAI-2010, AAMAS-2010, AISC-2010, COMSOC-2010, CP-2010, ECAI-2010, IBERAMIA-2010, ICAI-2010, ICTAI-2010, ISAIM-2010, JELIA-2010, KI-2010, LION-2010, LPAR-17, LPAR-16, MICAI-2010, PRICAI-2010, SAT-2010, SBIA-2010, SOCS-2010, ADT-2009, AI'09, CP-2009, FCST-2009, ICTAI-2009, IJCAI-2009, KI-2009, MICAI-2009, SARA-2009, SAT-2009, SoCS-2009, AI'08, AAAI-2008, AAMAS-2008, AI & Maths-2008, AIMSA-2008, ICAI-2008, IJCAR-2008, JELIA-2008, PRICAI-2008, RAC-2008, SAT-2008, SBIA-2008, STAIR-2008, AI'07, AAAI-2007, ASCM-2007, CADE-21, CAEPIA-2007, CP-2007, IJCAI-2007, LPAR-2007, MICAI-2007, SARA-2007, SAT-2007, AI'06, AAAI-2006, AI & Maths-2006, CG'2006, CP-2006, ECAI-2006, ICAPS-2006, JELIA-2006, KR-2006, MICAI-2006, PRICAI-2006, SAT-2006, AI'05, AAAI-2005, CADE-20, CP-2005, ICAPS-2005, IJCAI-2005, KI-05, MICAI-2005, SARA-2005, AI'04, AAAI-2004, AI & Maths-2004, FLAIRs-04, IBERAMIA-2004, JELIA-2004 , KI-04, KR-2004, LPAR-2004, MICAI-2004, SAT-2004, AI'03, CADE-19, CP-2003, CP-AI-OR'03, FLAIRs-03, LPAR-2003, SAT-2003, AAAI-2002, AI'02, CADE-18, ECAI-2002, KR-2002, MICAI-2002, SARA-2002, SAT-2002, ICLP-2001, Calculemus-2001, SAGA-2001, SAT-2001, AAAI-2000, CL-2000, CP-AI-OR'00, ECAI-2000, KR-2000, MICAI-2000, IJCAI-99, CP-99, AAAI-98, AI'98, AIMSA-98, SARA-98, ECP-97, AAAI-96.
Member of the IEE Professional Group committee for AI.
EPSRC Peer Review College member, 2000-date.
Founder of CSPLib, a benchmark library for constraints.