Week 09 Tutorial Questions


Code Review

The code review for this week is the float_2048.c The reviewees should give a brief description of their code, and the class should ask questions, comment on the quality of the code, and suggest improvements. Each review should take about 10 minutes.

Code reviews should be conducted in the second hour of tutorials in the week. Please let your tutor know if you want to volunteer to do one

Tutorial Questions

  1. The stat() and lstat() functions both take an argument which is a pointer to a struct stat object, and fill it with the meta-data for a named file.

    On Linux, a struct stat contains the following fields (among others, which have omitted for simplicity):

    struct stat {
        ino_t st_ino;         /* inode number */
        mode_t st_mode;       /* protection */
        uid_t st_uid;         /* user ID of owner */
        gid_t st_gid;         /* group ID of owner */
        off_t st_size;        /* total size, in bytes */
        blksize_t st_blksize; /* blocksize for filesystem I/O */
        blkcnt_t st_blocks;   /* number of 512B blocks allocated */
        time_t st_atime;      /* time of last access */
        time_t st_mtime;      /* time of last modification */
        time_t st_ctime;      /* time of last status change */

    Explain what each of the fields represents (in more detail than given in the comment!) and give a typical value for a regular file which appears as follows:

    ls -ls stat.c
    8 -rw-r--r--  1 jas  cs1521  1855  Sep  9 14:24 stat.c

    Assume that jas has user id 516, and the cs1521 group has group id 36820.

  2. Consider the following (edited) output from the command ls -l ~cs1521:

    drwxr-x--- 11 cs1521 cs1521 4096 Aug 27 11:59 17s2.work
    drwxr-xr-x  2 cs1521 cs1521 4096 Aug 20 13:20 bin
    -rw-r-----  1 cs1521 cs1521   38 Jul 20 14:28 give.spec
    drwxr-xr-x  3 cs1521 cs1521 4096 Aug 20 13:20 lib
    drwxr-x--x  3 cs1521 cs1521 4096 Jul 20 10:58 public_html
    drwxr-xr-x 12 cs1521 cs1521 4096 Aug 13 17:31 spim
    drwxr-x---  2 cs1521 cs1521 4096 Sep  4 15:18 tmp
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 cs1521 cs1521   11 Jul 16 18:33 web -> public_html
    1. Who can access the 17s2.work directory?

    2. What operations can a typical user perform on the public_html directory?

    3. What is the file web?

    4. What is the difference between stat("web", &info) and lstat("web", &info)?
      (where info is an object of type (struct stat))

  3. Write a C program, chmod_if_public_write.c, which is given 1+ command-line arguments which are the pathnames of files or directories

    If the file or directory is publically-writeable, it should change it to be not publically-writeable, leaving other permissions unchanged.

    It also should print a line to stdout as in the example below

    dcc chmod_if_public_write.c -o chmod_if_public_write
    ls -ld file_modes.c file_modes file_sizes.c file_sizes
    -rwxr-xrwx 1 z5555555 z5555555 116744 Nov  2 13:00 file_sizes
    -rw-r--r-- 1 z5555555 z5555555    604 Nov  2 12:58 file_sizes.c
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 z5555555 z5555555 222672 Nov  2 13:00 file_modes
    -rw-r--rw- 1 z5555555 z5555555   2934 Nov  2 12:59 file_modes.c
    ./file_modes file_modes file_modes.c file_sizes file_sizes.c
    removing public write from file_sizes
    file_sizes.c is not publically writable
    file_modes is not publically writable
    removing public write from file_modes.c
    ls -ld file_modes.c file_modes file_sizes.c file_sizes
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 z5555555 z5555555 116744 Nov  2 13:00 file_sizes
    -rw-r--r-- 1 z5555555 z5555555    604 Nov  2 12:58 file_sizes.c
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 z5555555 z5555555 222672 Nov  2 13:00 file_modes
    -rw-r--r-- 1 z5555555 z5555555   2934 Nov  2 12:59 file_modes.c
    Make sure you handle errors.
  4. Write a C program, list_dir.c, which opens a directory named "test_dir" and lists its contents.

    You should use opendir(3) in your answer and use perror to print error messages for example if the directory does not exist or if you do not have permission to list its contents.

    For example:

    ls -a test_dir
    .  ..  f  g
    dcc list_dir.c -o list_dir
    chmod 310 list_dir
    test_dir: Permission denied
    rm -r test_dir
    test_dir: No such file or directory

    What are the first two entries that are listed ie . and .. ?

Assignment 2

Discuss/demonstrate how to get started on the assignment including

Revision questions

The following questions are primarily intended for revision, either this week or later in session.
Your tutor may still choose to cover some of these questions, time permitting.