Week 05 Tutorial Questions


Code Review

The code review for this week is the seven_eleven.s. The reviewees should give a brief description of their code, and the class should ask questions, comment on the quality of the code, and suggest improvements. Each review should take about 10 minutes.

Code reviews take place in the second hour of tutorials. Please let your tutor know if you want to volunteer to do one

  1. Translate this C program to MIPS assembler.
    // This program prints out a danish flag, by
    // looping through the rows and columns of the flag.
    // Each element inside the flag is a single character.
    // (i.e., 1 byte).
    // (Dette program udskriver et dansk flag, ved at
    // sløjfe gennem rækker og kolonner i flaget.)
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define FLAG_ROWS 6
    #define FLAG_COLS 12
    char flag[FLAG_ROWS][FLAG_COLS] = {
        {'#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '.', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'},
        {'#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '.', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'},
        {'.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'},
        {'.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'},
        {'#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '.', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'},
        {'#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '.', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'}
    int main(void) {
        for (int row = 0; row < FLAG_ROWS; row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < FLAG_COLS; col++) {
                printf("%c", flag[row][col]);
  2. Consider the following MIPS data structures a 2d array of numbers:

    nrows: .word 3
    ncols: .word 5
    a:  .word 2, 4, 1, 5, 8
        .word 9, 1, 0, 2, 3
        .word 1, 1, 4, 6, 3

    Write mips code to find and print out the sum of all the elements in the array

  3. Write the following programs in MIPS. You do not need to use a fp in your answers:

    int addOne(int d);
    void message(int d);
    int main(void){
        int n = addOne(3);
        return 0;
    void message(int d){
        printf("I am %d\n",d);
    int addOne(int d){
        return (d+1);
  4. Translate this C program to MIPS assembler using normal function calling conventions.

    sum2 is a very simple function but don't rely on this when implementing sum4.

    // sum 4 numbers using function calls
    #include <stdio.h>
    int sum4(int a, int b, int c, int d);
    int sum2(int x, int y);
    int main(void) {
        int result = sum4(11, 13, 17, 19);
        printf("%d\n", result);
        return 0;
    int sum4(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
        int res1 = sum2(a, b);
        int res2 = sum2(c, d);
        return sum2 (res1, res2);
    int sum2(int x, int y) {
        return x + y;
  5. Consider the following operation that multiplies all of the elements in a matrix by a constant factor:

    This operation could be rendered in C99-standard C as

     * C function to multiply a matrix by a scalar.
     * nrows:  Number of rows in the matrix
     * ncols:  Number of columns in the matrix
     * M:      Matrix M
     * factor: Scalar factor to multiply by
    void change (int nrows, int ncols, int M[nrows][ncols], int factor)
        for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
                M[row][col] = factor * M[row][col];

    Write a function in MIPS assembly equivalent to the above C code. Assume that the arguments are placed in the $a? registers in the order given in the function definition. e.g., the function could be called as follows in MIPS:

       li   $a0, 3
       li   $a1, 4
       la   $a2, M
       li   $a3, 2
       jal  change

    Where M is defined as:

    M:  .word 1, 2, 3, 4
        .word 3, 4, 5, 6
        .word 5, 6, 7, 8
  6. Translate this C program to MIPS assembler.
    // C function to find the largest element in an array, recursively.
    // Returns the value of the largest element in the array.
    // array:  Array to search
    // length: Number of elements in the array
    int max(int array[], int length) {
        int first_element = array[0];
        if (length == 1) {
            // Handle the base-case of the recursion, at the end of the array.
            return first_element;
        } else {
            // Recurse on the rest of the array.
            // Finds the largest element after first_element in the array.
            int max_so_far = max(&array[1], length - 1);
            // Compare this element with the largest element after it in the array.
            if (first_element > max_so_far) {
                max_so_far = first_element;
            return max_so_far;
  7. For each of the following struct definitions, what are the likely offset values for each field, and the total size of the struct:

    1. struct _coord {
          double x;
          double y;
    2. typedef struct _node Node;
      struct _node {
          int value;
          Node *next;
    3. struct _enrolment {
          int stu_id;         // e.g. 5012345
          char course[9]:     // e.g. "COMP1521"
          char term[5];       // e.g. "17s2"
          char grade[3];      // e.g. "HD"
          double mark;        // e.g. 87.3
    4. struct _queue {
          int nitems;     // # items currently in queue
          int head;       // index of oldest item added
          int tail;       // index of most recent item added
          int maxitems;   // size of array
          Item *items;    // malloc'd array of Items

    Both the offsets and sizes should be in units of number of bytes.

  8. Topographic Maps are a common way to represent terrain of various kinds, by providing a representation of the height of the terrain at various points. This C code provides a (heavily simplified) representation of how one might read a topographic map, and so find the height of the terrain at a given point.

    // A topographic map!
    // This helpful tool will tell explorers how much they need to climb to
    // reach various points of interest.
    // Given an array of points, `my_points`, it can look up individual cells
    // in the 2D map and print their height.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAP_SIZE 5
    #define N_POINTS 4
    // 2D representation of a point, stored as a single struct
    struct point2D {
        int row;
        int col;
    } typedef point2D_t;
    // 2D grid representing the height data for an area.
    int topography_grid[MAP_SIZE][MAP_SIZE] = {
        {0, 1, 1, 2, 3},
        {1, 1, 2, 3, 4},
        {1, 2, 3, 5, 7},
        {3, 3, 4, 5, 6},
        {3, 4, 5, 6, 7},
    // Points of interest to print heights for, as a 1D array.
    point2D_t my_points[N_POINTS] = {
        {1, 2},
        {2, 3},
        {0, 0},
        {4, 4},
    int main() {
        // Loop over all elements, and print their data
        for (int i = 0; i < N_POINTS; i++) {
            int row = my_points[i].row;
            int col = my_points[i].col;
            int height = topography_grid[row][col];
            printf("Height at %d,%d=%d\n", row, col, height);
        return 0;

    When translating structs, it is useful to consider where each value inside the struct will be stored in memory, and how many it will need in total. Hint: sizeof() may help here.

    // The point2D_t struct is a 2D representation of a point, stored as a single struct thus:
    struct point2D {
        int row;
        int col;
    } typedef point2D_t;

    Complete the provided MIPS assembly below to make it equivalent to the C code above. Take care when calculating the addresses of the elements of the array, and when calculating the address of the height result.

    # A topographic map!
    # This helpful tool will tell explorers how much they need to climb to
    # reach various points of interest.
    # Given an array of points, `my_points`, it can look up individual cells
    # in the 2D map and print their height.
    # Constants
    MAP_SIZE = 5
    N_POINTS = 4
    	# Registers:
    	#   - $t0: int i, the loop counter
    	#   - $t1: row of the current point
    	#   - $t2: col of the current point
    	#   - $t3: height of the current point
    	#   - $t4: temporary result for array indexing
    	#   - $t5: temporary result for array indexing
    					# Loop over all elements, and print their data
    points_loop_init:			# for (int i = 0; i < N_POINTS; i++) {
    	li	$t0, 0			# $t0 = 0
    	bge	$t0, N_POINTS, points_loop_end	# if (i >= N_POINTS)
    					# TODO: Complete these three!
    					# int row = my_points[i].row;
    					# int col = my_points[i].col;
    					# int height = topography_grid[row][col];
    					# printf("Height at %d,%d=%d\n", row, col, height);
    	li	$v0, 4			# $v0 = 4 (print string)
    	la	$a0, height_str		# load address of height_str into $a0
    	syscall				# print height_str
    	li	$v0, 1			# $v0 = 1 (print int)
    	move	$a0, $t1		# $a0 = row
    	syscall				# print row
    	li	$v0, 11			# $v0 = 11 (print ASCII character)
    	li	$a0, ','		# $a0 = ','
    	syscall				# print ','
    	li	$v0, 1			# $v0 = 1 (print int)
    	move	$a0, $t2		# $a0 = col
    	syscall				# print col
    	li	$v0, 11			# $v0 = 11 (print ASCII character)
    	li	$a0, '='		# $a0 = '='
    	syscall				# print '='
    	li	$v0, 1			# $v0 = 1 (print int)
    	move	$a0, $t3		# $a0 = height
    	syscall				# print height
    	li	$v0, 11			# $v0 = 11 (print ASCII character)
    	li	$a0, '\n'		# $a0 = '\n'
    	syscall				# print '\n'
    	addi	$t0, $t0, 1		# i++
    	b	points_loop_cond	# branch to points_loop_cond
    	jr	$ra			# return 0;
    # 2D grid representing the height data for an area.
    	.word	0, 1, 1, 2, 3
    	.word	1, 1, 2, 3, 4
    	.word	1, 2, 3, 5, 7
    	.word	3, 3, 4, 5, 6
    	.word	3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    # Points of interest to print heights for, as a 1D array of point2D_t structs.
    # Note the memory layout of this array: each element requires 8 bytes, not 4.
    	.word	1, 2
    	.word	2, 3
    	.word	0, 0
    	.word	4, 4
    height_str: .asciiz "Height at "

Revision questions

The following questions are primarily intended for revision, either this week or later in session.
Your tutor may still choose to cover some of these questions, time permitting.

  1. Give MIPS directives to represent the following variables:

    1. int v0;
    2. int v1 = 42;
    3. char v2;
    4. char v3 = 'a';
    5. double v4;
    6. int v5[20];
    7. int v6[10][5];
    8. struct { int x; int y; } v7;
    9. struct { int x; int y; } v8[4];
    10. struct { int x; int y; } *v9[4];

    Assume that we are placing the variables in memory, at an appropriately aligned address, and with a label which is the same as the C variable name.

  2. Consider the following 3-d array structure:

    The cube could be implemented as an array of pointers, each of which points to a slice of the cube. Each slice of the cube is also an array of pointers, and each of those points to an array of int values.

    For example, in the diagram above, the cell labelled x can be accessed as cube[0][0][1], and the cell labelled y can be accessed as cube[0][2][3].

    1. Write MIPS assembler directives to define a data structure like this.
    2. Write MIPS assembler code to scan this cube, and count the number of elements which are zero.

    In other words, implement the following C code in MIPS.

    int cube[4][4][4];
    int nzeroes = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
            for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++)
                if (cube[x][y][z] == 0)
  3. FIFO queues can be implemented using circular arrays. For example:

    And the C code to manipulate such a structure could be:

    // place item at the tail of the queue
    // if queue is full, returns -1; otherwise returns 0
    int enqueue (int item)
        if (nitems == 8) return -1;
        if (nitems  > 0) tail = (tail + 1) % 8;
        queue[tail] = item;
        return 0;
    // remove item from head of queue
    // if queue is empty, returns -1; otherwise returns removed value
    int dequeue (void)
        if (nitems == 0) return -1;
        int res = queue[head];
        if (nitems  > 1) head = (head + 1) % 8;
        return res;

    Assuming that the items in the queue are ints, and the following MIPS data definitions are used:

    nitems: .word 0
    head:   .word 0
    tail:   .word 0
    items:  .space 32

    ... implement the enqueue() and dequeue() functions in MIPS.

    Use one of the standard function prologues and epilogues from lectures.

  4. Challenge exercise, for those who have seen linked data structures in C.

    Consider a linked list

    which could be defined in MIPS as:

    list:   .word node1
    node1:  .word 6, node2
    node2:  .word 4, node3
    node3:  .word 5, node4
    node4:  .word 2, 0

    Write a MIPS function that takes a pointer to the first node in the list as its argument, and returns the maximum of all of the values in the list. In other words, write a MIPS version of this C function:

    typedef struct _node Node;
    struct _node { int value; Node *next; };
    int max (Node *list)
        if (list == NULL) return -1;
        int max = list->value;
        Node *curr = list;
        while (curr != NULL) {
            if (curr->value > max)
                max = curr->value;
            curr = curr->next;
        return max;

    You can assume that only positive data values are stored in the list.