🔗 Dependencies
Dependencies used by the course website
1. Frameworks
- NextJS v15: Fullstack React framework
- ReactJS v19: Library for web user interfaces
- Fumadocs: Documentation framework
- MDX: JSX in Markdown
2. Themes & Styles
- TailwindCSS v4: CSS library
- next-themes: NextJS Themes
3. Component Libraries
- @atlaskit/smart-card: Inline Link component
- shadcn/ui: UI Component & Typography library
- tanstack: UI Component library
- radix-ui: UI Component library
- lucide: Icons library
4. Auth
5. Database
- drizzle-orm: TypeScript ORM
- sqlite3: Database
6. Infrastructure
- turbo: Turbopack bundler and Turborepo for monorepos
- Yarn v4: Package manager with monorepo support
- NodeJS: JavaScript runtime
7. Testing / Validation
- storybook: Component examples and for visual regression testing
- playwright: Browser automation library for visual regression testing
- prettier: JavaScript formatter
- eslint v8: JavaScript linter
8. Miscellaneous
- TypeScript
- dayjs: Date library
- nuqs: React query string parser
- react-hook-form: React forms library
- react-linkify-it
- sonner: React toast component
- url-join
- use-debounce
- zod: TypeScript schema validation
- trpc: TypeScript RPC library
- winston: NodeJS logger
- next-sitemap: NextJS sitemap generator
9. Inspirations
- react-admonitions: Admonitions
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