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Documentation for the COMP2511 Website Project and administration-v2 monorepo


The purpose of this section is to provide a brief history of the COMP2511 website project, documentation on how it was made, along with documentation for the administration-v2 monorepo.

If you are a staff member that requires access to the administration-v2 monorepo, please contact the current main maintainer Alvin Cherk.

1. Website Background

This version of the website is a fork of the COMP1531 Website Projecthttps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs1531/about, which was created by Khiet Tam Nguyen and Rani Jiang in 24T3 under the guidance of Dr Yuchao Jiang as a successor to Eckles Website.

This website was adapted to COMP2511's needs by Alvin Cherk in 25T1 to provide students a more personalised experience and to automate repetitive tasks for course coordinators. The website was onboarded onto the administration-v2 monorepo.

2. The administration-v2 monorepo

The administration-v2 is a TypeScript monorepo which contains content, infrastructure, deployment, utility and exam scripts or packages used in running COMP2511 written by Alvin Cherk. It is a successor to the administration repository which was originally written in Python.

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