Week 03 Tutorial Questions


  1. Assume that we are in a shell where the following shell variable assignments have been performed,
    and ls(1) gives the following result:

            x=2  y='Y Y'  z=ls
                a       b       c

    What will be displayed as a result of the following echo(1) commands:

    1. echo a   b   c
    2. echo "a   b   c"
    3. echo $y
    4. echo x$x
    5. echo $xx
    6. echo ${x}x
    7. echo "$y"
    8. echo '$y'
    9. echo $($y)
    10. echo $($z)
    11. echo $(echo a b c)
  2. The following C program and its equivalent in Python3
    all aim to give precise information about their command-line arguments.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    	printf("#args = %d\n", argc - 1);
    	for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    		printf("arg[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, argv[i]);
    	return 0;
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from sys import argv
    def main():
        print(f"#args = {len(argv) - 1}")
        for index, arg in enumerate(argv[1:], 1):
            print(f'arg[{index}] = "{arg}"')
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Assume that these programs are compiled in such a way that we may invoke them as ./args.
    Consider the following examples of how it operates:

            ./args a b c
            #args = 3
            arg[1] = "a"
            arg[2] = "b"
            arg[3] = "c"
            args "Hello there"
            #args = 1
            arg[1] = "Hello there"

    Assume that we are in a shell where the following shell variable assignments have been performed,
    and ls(1) gives the following result:

            x=2  y='Y Y'  z=ls
                a       b       c

    What will be the output of the following:

    1. ./args x y   z
    2. ./args $(ls)
    3. ./args $y
    4. ./args "$y"
    5. ./args $(echo "$y")
    6. ./args $x$x$x
    7. ./args $x$y
    8. ./args $xy
  3. Imagine that we have just typed a shell script into the file my_first_shell_script.sh in the current directory.
    We then attempt to execute the script and observe the following:

            my_first_shell_script.sh: command not found

    Explain the possible causes for this, and describe how to rectify them.

  4. Implement a shell script called seq.sh for writing sequences of integers onto its standard output, with one integer per line. The script can take up to three arguments, and behaves as follows:

    • seq.sh LAST writes all numbers from 1 up to LAST, inclusive. For example:

      ./seq.sh 5
    • seq.sh FIRST LAST writes all numbers from FIRST up to LAST, inclusive. For example:

      ./seq.sh 2 6
    • seq.sh FIRST INCREMENT LAST writes all numbers from FIRST to LAST in steps of INCREMENT, inclusive; that is, it writes the sequence FIRST, FIRST + INCREMENT, FIRST + 2*INCREMENT, ..., up to the largest integer in this sequence less than or equal to LAST. For example:

      ./seq.sh 3 5 24
  5. What is JSON?

    Where might I encounter it?

    Why can JSON be difficult to manipulate with tools such as grep?

    How can a tool like jq help?

  6. Write a shell script, no_blinking.sh, which removes all HTML files in the current directory which use the blink element:

    Removing old.html because it uses the <blink> tag
    Removing evil.html because it uses the <blink> tag
    Removing bad.html because it uses the <blink> tag
  7. Modify the no_blinking.sh shell script to instead take the HTML files to be checked as command line arguments and, instead of removing them, adding the suffix .bad to their name:

    no_blinking.sh awful.html index.html terrible.html
    Renaming awful.html to awful.html.bad because it uses the <blink> tag
    Renaming terrible.html to terrible.html.bad because it uses the <blink> tag
  8. Write a shell script, list_include_files.sh, which for all the C source files (.c files) in the current directory prints the names of the files they include (.h files), for example
    count_words.c includes:
    get_word.c includes:
    map.c includes:
  9. The following shell script emulates the cat(1) command using the built-in shell commands read(1) and echo(1):

    while read line
        echo "$line"
    1. What are the differences between the above script and the real cat(1) command?

    2. modify the script so that it can concatenate multiple files from the command line, like the real cat(1)

    (Hint: the shell's control structures — for example, if, while, for — are commands in their own right, and can form a component of a pipeline.)

  10. The gzip(1) command compresses a text file, and renames it to filename.gz. The zcat(1) command takes the name of a single compressed file as its argument and writes the original (non-compressed) text to its standard output.

    Write a shell script called zshow that takes multiple .gz file names as its arguments, and displays the original text of each file, separated by the name of the file.

    Consider the following example execution of zshow:

    zshow a.gz b.gz bad.gz c.gz
    ===== a =====
    ... original contents of file "a" ...
    ===== b =====
    ... original contents of file "b" ...
    ===== bad =====
    No such file: bad.gz
    ===== c =====
    ... original contents of file "c" ...
  11. Consider the marks data file from last week's tutorial; assume it's stored in a file called Marks:

    2111321 37 FL
    2166258 67 CR
    2168678 84 DN
    2186565 77 DN
    2190546 78 DN
    2210109 50 PS
    2223455 95 HD
    2266365 55 PS

    Assume also that we have a file called Students that contains the names and student ids of for all students in the class, e.g.

    2166258 Chen, X
    2186565 Davis, PA
    2168678 Hussein, M
    2223455 Jain, S
    2190546 Phan, DN
    2111321 Smith, JA
    2266365 Smith, JD
    2210109 Wong, QH

    Write a shell script that produces a list of names and their associated marks, sorted by name:

    67 Chen, X
    77 Davis, PA
    84 Hussein, M
    95 Jain, S
    78 Phan, DN
    37 Smith, JA
    55 Smith, JD
    50 Wong, QH

    Note: there are many ways to do this, generally involving combinations of filters such as cut(1), grep(1), sort(1), join(1), etc. Try to think of more than one solution, and discuss the merits of each.

  12. Implement a shell script, grades.sh, that reads a sequence of (studentID, mark) pairs from its standard input, and writes (studentID, grade) pairs to its standard output. The input pairs are written on a single line, separated by spaces, and the output should use a similar format. The script should also check whether the second value on each line looks like a valid mark, and output an appropriate message if it does not The script can ignore any extra data occurring after the mark on each line.

    Consider the following input and corresponding output to the program:

    2212345 65
    2198765 74
    2199999 48
    2234567 50 ok
    2265432 99
    2121212 hello
    2222111 120
    2524232 -1
    2212345 CR
    2198765 CR
    2199999 FL
    2234567 PS
    2265432 HD
    2121212 ?? (hello)
    2222111 ?? (120)
    2524232 ?? (-1)

    To get you started, here is a framework for the script:

    while read id mark
        # ... insert mark/grade checking here ...

    Note that the read shell builtin assumes that the components on each input line are separated by spaces. How could we use this script if the data was supplied in a file that used commas to separate the (studentID, mark) components, rather than spaces?