Professional Activities
Associate Editor
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), since 2016.
- VLDB Journal, since 2022.
Steering Committee Membership
- DASFAA (2017 - 2023).
- Australasian Database Conference (ADC), since 2021.
Program Committee Chair
- The 8th APWeb-WAIM International Joint Conference on Web and Big Data 2024.
- The 22nd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE) 2021.
- The 2nd International Workshop on Large Scale Graph Data Analytics, in conjunction with VLDB 2020.
- The 5th International Workshop on Big Data Quality Management, in conjunction with DASFAA 2020.
- The 1st International Workshop on Large Scale Graph Data Analysis (LSGDA) 2019, in conjunction with ICDE 2019.
- The 27th Australasian Database Conference (ADC) 2016.
- The First International Workshop on Management of Spatial Temporal Data (MSTD) 2013.
Program Committee Area Chair
- ICDM 2023
- ICDE 2023
- PVLDB 2023 (Associate Editor)
- PVLDB 2022 (Associate Editor)
- ICDE 2019 (Spatial Track)
Organizing Committee
- Demo Chair – DASFAA 2021.
- TKDE Poster Track Chair – ICDE 2019.
- Doctoral Colloquium Co-chair – MDM 2018.
- TKDE Poster Track Chair – ICDE 2017.
- Workshop Co-chair – APWeb 2016.
- Chair for Research Student Symposium – APWeb 2015.
- Publicity Chair – WISE 2013.
- Publication Chair – APWeb 2013.
- Publicity Chair – ICDM 2010.
Program Committee
- 2023: SIGMOD 2023, VLDB 2023 (Associate Editor), ICDM (Area Chair), ICDE (Area Chair), CIKM (SPC).
- 2022: SIGMOD 2022, VLDB 2022 (Associate Editor), ICDE 2022, CIKM 2022 (SPC), KDD 2022.
- 2021: SIGMOD 2021, VLDB 2021, ICDE 2021, CIKM 2021 (Senior PC), KDD 2021, SIGIR 2021, AAAI 2021, WSDM 2021, BigData 2021, DASFAA (Senior TPC) 2021.
- 2020: VLDB 2020, KDD 2020, SIGIR 2020, CIKM 2020, SIGSPATIAL 2020, PAKDD 2020.
- 2019: VLDB 2019, KDD 2019, CIKM 2019 (Senior PC), SIGSPATIAL 2019, PAKDD 2019, ICDSC 2019, DASFAA 2019, ER 2019.
- 2018: VLDB 2018, EDBT 2018, CIKM 2018, SIGSPATIAL 2018, DASFAA 2018, PAKDD 2018.
- 2017: CIKM 2017, PAKDD 2017, DASFAA 2017.
- 2016: EDBT 2016, PAKDD 2016, WAIM 2016, SIGSPATIAL 2016.
- 2015: EDBT 2015, CIKM 2015 (Senior PC), SSTD 2015, SIGSPATIAL 2015, PAKDD 2015, WISE 2015.
- 2014: VLDB 2014, SIGSPATIAL 2014, VLDB PhD Workshop 2014, CIKM 2014, PAKDD 2014, WISE 2014, WebDB 2014.
- 2013: ICDE 2013, VLDB 2013, SDM 2013, PAKDD 2013, DASFAA 2013.
- 2012: VLDB 2012 (PhD Track), APWeb 2012, DASFAA 2012, DBKDA 2012, FCST 2012.
- 2011: FCST 2011, APWeb 2011, DBKDA 2011.
- 2010: CIKM 2010, FCST 2010.
- 2009: MOUND 2009 (workshop associated with ICDE 2009).