Wenjie Zhang

Wenjie Zhang is a Professor, ARC Future Fellow, Head of the Data and Knowledge Research Group and Deputy Head of School (Research) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Australia.

Her research interests include spatial-temporal data analysis, uncertain data analysis and graph data processing. Since 2008, she has published more than 160 papers in top venues such as TKDE, TODS, VLDBJ, SIGMOD, VLDB, and ICDE. She received the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT3) in 2021 and Discovery Early Career Researcher Award in 2011. In 2019, she received the Chris Wallace Award for her significant contributions to large-scale graph data processing. Her research has been well supported by 12 Australian Research Council grants and several industry funded projects.

Wenjie is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and The VLDB Journal, as served as the PC Chair for ICDE 2025 and area chair for VLDB 2022/2023 and ICDE 2019/2023. Her work received more than 18 Best Papers from international conferences including Best Papers of SIGMOD 2020, ICDE 2013/2012/2010, and ACM Research Highlight Award 2021. Wenjie is a Fellow of the ACS (Australian Computer Society).  The full list of her publications (and presentation slides) : http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~zhangw/publications

Mutiple PhD scholarships (living allowance around \$35k-\$40k/year plus tuition fee waive) available. Send me an email (wenjie.zhang at unsw.edu.au) with your CV if you would like to pursue PhD degree in the area of large-scale dynamic data analytics and processing.  Current undergraduate students or master by course students in UNSW are encouraged to contact me if you are interested in research degrees (Master by research or PhD) or research projects (honors thesis project or master research project). 

I serve as a PC Chair for ICDE 2025.