Awards and talks


  1. Fellow of the Australian Computer Society, 2024.

  2. Best Student Paper Award, 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2024).

  3. Best Paper Award (Runner-up), 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2024).

  4. Excellent Paper Award, 20th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2024).

  5. Best Paper Award, 34th Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2023).

  6. Google Inclusion Research Award, 2022.

  7. Distinguished Associate Editor Award, VLDB 2022.

  8. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award, Faculty of Engineering UNSW, 2022.

  9. Best Student Paper Award, 33rd Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2022).

  10. Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT3), 2021.

  11. Academic Excellence Award (Educational Excellence and Innovation & Research Excellence), Faculty of Engineering UNSW, 2021.

  12. Best Demonstration Award Nomination, CIKM 2021.

  13. ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, 2021.

  14. One of the Best Papers, ACM SIGMOD 2020.

  15. Best Paper Award, 25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2020).

  16. Best Student Paper Award, 13th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2020).

  17. CORE Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research Contribution, 2019.

  18. One of the Best Papers, 24th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2019).

  19. One of the Best Papers, 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2013).

  20. Best Paper Award, 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2013).

  21. CiSRA Research Publication Award, CSE UNSW, 2013.

  22. One of the Best Papers, 28th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2012).

  23. One of the Best Papers, 17th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2012).

  24. Best Student Paper Award, 17th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2012).

  25. Australian Research Council Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), 2012.

  26. CiSRA Research Publication Award, CSE UNSW, 2012.

  27. One of the Best Papers, 26th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2010).

  28. Best Paper Award, 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010).

  29. CiSRA Research Publication Award, CSE UNSW, 2010.

  30. Best Paper Award, Joint International Conference APWeb/WAIM 2009.


  1. Bipartite Graph Analytics: Current Techniques and Future Trends, ICDE 2024.

  2. Reachability on Large-scale Graphs: Models, Techniques, and Trends, DASFAA 2022.

  3. Cohesive Subgraph Search over Big Heterogeneous Information Networks: Applications, Challenges, and Solutions, SIGMOD 2021.

  4. Cohesive Structure based Bipartite Graph Analysis: From Motif Discovery to Graph Decomposition, DASFAA 2020.

  5. Hierarchical Decomposition of Big Graphs, ICDE 2019.

  6. Cohesive Subgraphs with Hierarchical Decomposition on Big Graphs, DASFAA 2019.

  7. Ranking Complex Objects in a Multi-dimensional Space, DASFAA 2013, Slides (invited tutorial).

  8. Stochastic Orders and Skyline, NDBC 2011, Slides (invited tutorial).