Second International Summer School of the
Association for Constraint Programming

Advanced School and International Workshop on
Global Constraints

Doryssa Bay Hotel
Samos, Greece

June 18-23, 2006


Overview ]

Program ]

Location ]

Travel ]

Workshop ]

Registration ]

Student grants ]

Hotel reservation ]

Important dates ]

Organizers ]

Sponsors ]


Sunday 18th June

18.00-20.00 Reception, Village Square, Doryssa Bay Hotel
20.15- Dinner

Monday 19th June

09.00-10.45 Bessiere: Consistency and Complexity
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-13.00 Beldiceanu: Global Constraints from Graphs

15.00-16.45 Regin: All Different and Cardinality Constraints
16.45-17.15 Coffee
17.15-19.00 van Hoeve: Soft Global Constraints
20.15- Dinner

Tuesday 20th June

09.00-10.45 Bessiere: Generic Algorithms
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-13.00 Beldiceanu: Global Constraints from Graphs

15.00-16.45 Regin: All Different and Cardinality Constraints
16.45-17.15 Coffee
17.15-19.00 van Hoeve: Soft Global Constraints
20.15- Dinner

Wednesday 21st June

09.00-10.45 Beldiceanu: Exercises
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-13.00 Baptiste: Scheduling
20.15- Dinner

Thursday 22nd June

09.00-10.45 Baptiste: Scheduling
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-13.00 Carlsson: Case studies

15.00-16.45 Walsh: Sliding Constraints
16.45-17.15 Coffee
17.15-19.00 Katriel: Global Variables
20.15- Dinner

Friday 23rd June

09.00-10.45 Carlsson: Case studies
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-13.00 Katriel: Current Challenges

14.00-15.30 Mini-workshop
Global Grammar Constraints. Toby Walsh
Incremental Filtering Algorithms for a Precedence Graph with Optional Activities and Time Windows. Roman Bartak and Ondrej Cepek.
The Minimum Spanning Tree Constraint. Gregoire Dooms and Irit Katriel.
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-16.30 Mini-workshop
New Propagators for the SPREAD Constraint Pierre Schaus and Jean-Noel Monette.
20.15- Dinner