Second International Summer School of the
[ Overview ] [ Program ] [ Course materials ] [ Location ] [ Travel ] [ Workshop ] [ Registration ] [ Student grants ] [ Important dates ] [ Organizers ] [ Sponsors ]
OverviewThe Second International Summer School on Constraint Programming is an advanced school and associated workshop on global constraints. Global constraints are one of the key factors in the success of constraint programming (CP). They help users model problems as they specify patterns that frequently occur in the real world. Efficient and effective constraint propagation algorithms associated with the global constraint then help solve the problem. The school and workshop are aimed at PhD students, researchers, and practitioners of all levels who wish to learn about this key area in depth. Leading experts will give invited tutorial lectures on different aspects of global constraints along with practical exercises. A workshop will run alongside the school where the very latest research results in global constraints will be presented. Submissions to the workshop are due May 7th. [ Back to top ] ProgramEach lecturer will deliver approximately 4 hours of lectures. Lecturers include: Philippe Baptisite, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Christian Bessiere, Mats Carlsson, Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Irit Katriel and Jean-Charles Regin. A preliminary timetable is available online. On request, lecturers will evaluate the work of the students, so that Ph.D. students will be able to use the school to cover some of their coursework. The workshop will run alongside the school and consist of shorter presentations of the latest research results on the topic of global constraints. [ Back to top ] Course materialsCourse materials from Philippe Baptisite, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Christian Bessiere, Mats Carlsson, Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Irit Katriel, Jean-Charles Regin, and Toby Walsh plus Nicolas' exercises and solutions. [ Back to top ] LocationThe school and workshop will take place in the Doryssa Bay hotel on the Aegean island of Samos in Greece. The hotel is next to the fishing village of Pythagorion, the birth place of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. [ Back to top ] TravelYou are encouraged to arrive for the welcome reception 18.00 to 20.00 on Sunday June 18th at the "village square" within the hotel. Lectures finish at 16.30 on Friday June 23rd. The hotel is 1km or so from the airport. You can take a taxi (or, if you have little luggage, walk :-). Olympic Airlines has flights from Athens to Samos on 17th at 5.45, 12.10 and 15.35, and on 18th at 5.45, 9.00, 12.10, and 15.35. There are flights from Samos to Athens on 23rd at 7.10, 10.25, 13.35 and 17.00, and on 24th at 7.10, 13.35 and 17.00. Flights can be booked online. Aegean airlines has flights from Athens to Samos on Sat 17th and Sun 18th at 8:30 and 16:00. There are return flights from Samos to Athens on Fri 23rd and Sat 24th at 9:55 and 17:25. Aegean airlines tends to be cheaper than Olympic, especially if booked in advance but are less flexible. Flights can again be booked online. Only a limited number of cheap tickets are available for each flight. [ Back to top ] WorkshopSubmissions of new research results in global constraints to be presented at the workshop should be sent to Toby Walsh by May 7th 2006. Submissions can be in the form of a LNCS paper (maximum 15 pages) or an abstract (1 page). Invitations to present at the workshop will be issued by May 15th 2006. The workshop proceedings will be distributed to all participants. A special issue of a journal is under consideration after the workshop. [ Back to top ] RegistrationTo participate in the advanced school and workshop, please complete the hotel accommodation form (Word form, PDF form) and FAX it to Kostas Stergiou on the number given on the form as soon as possible (and no later than June 1st). Everyone who submits an accommodation form will be automatically registered for the advanced school and workshop. All submissions of accommodation forms will be acknowledged with an email. If you do not receive acknowledgement within 3 working days, please email Kostas Stergiou (
[ Back to top ] Student grantsSome student grants will be available to cover part of the expenses of some students. Students who wish to request a grant should arrange that their PhD supervisor sends an email to Toby Walsh ( describing the state of the Ph.D. thesis of the student and explaining why the grant is requested. The request should be sent before April 1st 2006. Information about the allocated grant will be sent by April 15th 2006. [ Back to top ] Hotel reservationThe cost of a single room is about 100 euros per day for half board, and of a double room is about 105 euros per day. Details about how to reserve will be posted shortly. [ Back to top ] Important dates
[ Back to top ] Organizers
[ Back to top ] Sponsors
for Constraint Programming.