Challenges and Novel Applications for Automated Reasoning
CADE-19 Workshop
July 28, 2003
As part of CADE-19 in Miami, we propose organizing
a workshop on Challenges and Novel Applications for Automated Reasoning.
We hope that participants will identify the problems and novel
applications that will stimulate researchers in the field
for the next twenty or more years.
To participate in the workshop please send
a one page statement of interest to Toby Walsh
(preferably by email
to tw@4c.ucc.ie) on or before
May 1st 2003.
If you wish to have a position paper in the proceedings, please
send a postscript file of between 2 and 10 pages long in LLNC format,
again to Toby Walsh on or before 1st May 2003.
The workshop will take place on the afternoon of 28 July, and
to consist of a mixture of invited talks,
panels, brainstorming and discussion sessions.
The Automated Reasoning area of
CologNet will be
sponsoring this workshop. Travel grants will be available
to support participation, with preference to students
and others without other sources of funds to attend CADE-19.