One of the main reasons to choose AI Access is that we will always provide open access to your text for free electronically. We will provide this on many different channels (pdf on our website, iTunes, Kindle, Nook, etc).
Another reason to choose AI Access is that the hard copy will be printed on demand. This offers you several advantages. For example, if you want a second edition, just send us your new pdf. We can also be much cheaper that tranditional publishers. Consider, say, the Handbook of Constraint Programming. AI Access could sell the print version of such a text for $40 (including $15 to cover our overheads) and give away online versions free. This compares to Elsevier who charges $210 for the hard cover, and Amazon who wants $156 for the Kindle edition. 
AI Access will provide the usual services of a regular publisher. Your book proposal will be reviewed by our scientific board. Your text will be copy edited. We will issue ISBNs and DOIs. We will ensure your text is listed in the major indexes and search engines like DBLP, Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search.
Please send a proposal to the appropriate editor. We welcome proposals for monograpahs, collected works or proceedings. Electronic access to your text will always be free, whilst you choose the sale price of the print copy. Our guidelines are that the price is $15 more than the print cost to help cover our overheads, but less than twice the print cost. You get to keep all profits. You get to keep the copyright but give AI Access rights to distribute the text. You can revoke this permission at any time. You can do whatever you like with your text, even sell it yourself.