The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee CSE Education Committee 24/09)
will be held at noon on Friday, 13 September 2024, on Teams only, to prevent spread of illness.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair

    2 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies

    Apologies: Tina Tuomikoski, Raymond Louie, Michael Thielscher, Gelareh Mohammadi
    John Shepherd
    2 mins 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 07 August 2024 John Shepherd
    6 mins 3. Review of Action Sheet John Shepherd
    ... Nothing this time

    15 mins 5.1 Software Engineering Review

    Fethi has recently conducted a review of the Software Engineering degree.

    Draft review document

    Fethi Rabhi
    10 mins 5.2 Student Requests to Review Exams

    After results are released we invariably receive emails like "My results do not accurately reflect my understanding of this course. Can I see my exam paper to see where I went wrong?" Different courses have different ways of handling this. Some publish marks for individual questions before final results are released. Some send individual question marks in response to queries like the above. Some simply check the marking and say that all questions were marked according to the marking scheme, or make adjustments (up or down) if not. I'm not sure if anyone actually goes through papers with students.

    Should we have a school-wide approach to this?

    10 mins 5.3 Thesis Presentations and HDR Reviews

    Many (most?) thesis presentations and HDR reviews are nowadays carried out via Teams. Often this results in students reading from a script, looking down at the script, without practising real presentation skills. Should we require that all such presentations be given in-person? To an audience of more than just supervisor and assessor?

    10 mins 5.4 "Advanced" Courses (again!)

    Once again, the Faculty has expressed scepticism that some of the courses that we call "advanced" are actually "advanced" by their definition, which I think amounts to AQF8/9. Can we devise a bullet-proof definition of advanced and then apply it to produce a set of courses that neither the Faculty nor the accreditation bodies can argue with?

    10 mins 5.5 3778 (Comp Sci) Course Rules

    The Computer Science program has two rules which seem to be causing consternation outside the School:

    1. students may not take more than 60 UOC of level 1 courses, including core, gened and free electives

    2. 36 UOC of free electives

    John Shepherd
    10 mins 5.6 MyExperience 24T2

    Mean Rating5.055.055.09
    Broad Agree91.2%90.8%91?

    Outstanding results:

    • COMP9414 Artificial Intelligence, 5.47, 98.0%, 410 responses
    • COMP9312 Data Analytics for Graphs, 5.42, 98.0%, 297 responses
    • COMP9020 Foundations of Computer Science, 5.56, 97.6%, 293 responses
    • COMP9444 Neural Networks & Deep Learning, 5.24, 97.3%, 366 responses
    John Shepherd
    Andrew Taylor
    10 mins 5.7 Assessment Review 24T2

    Some statistics:

    • 74 "courses" assessed

    • 10000+ students assessed

    • typical fail rate: 10-20%; extreme fail rate 45%

    • typical WAM diff: +/- 5%; extreme WAM diff 12%

    Common feature: in-term assessments scored high; exams (invigilated) scored low.

    As usual: many thesis results were submitted late; must try to do better.

    John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE Anybody
    5 mins 6.2. Report on Cyber Security Programs Working Group Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 6.3. Report on UNSW Online Sonit Singh
    5 mins 6.4. Report on Workload Committee/Formula Wayne Wobcke
      7. Closure