The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 24/06)
will be held at 12 noon on Friday, 14 June 2024, on Teams.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


    2 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies

    Apologies: Sara Ballouz, Eric Martin, Fethi Rabhi
    John Shepherd
    2 mins 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 24 April 2024

    John Shepherd
    6 mins 3. Review of Action Sheet John Shepherd
    20 mins 4.1 Small Courses and Workload

    CSE is involved with roughly 135 course offerings each year. Some we run (COMPxxxx), some we supply lecturers to (DESNxxxx), some are online (ZZENxxxx), etc. This does not include 4th-year thesis and special project courses.

    We have roughly 70 continuing staff members. If each staff member teaches two courses we can (just) cover these. If some staff members are on SSP or don't teach two courses, we cannot cover all courses.

    Year 1 and 2 and PG intro courses already run in all three terms. Some other courses are large and typically have long waiting lists. We may need to run more courses three times per year in future to cater for growing demand. But then we have staffing problems. A possible solution: run smaller courses less often and free up those staff to teach larger more popular courses.

    List of small non-core courses
    Andrew Taylor
    Wayne Wobcke
    5 mins 4.2 Changes to MIT Specialisations

    In 8543, should we:
    • disestablish the Data Science specialisation?
    • add a new Software Engineering specialisation?
    John Shepherd
    20 mins 5.1 Exams, Supp Exams, Supp Supp Exams, ...

    24T1 seems to have been particularly difficult in terms of the number of special considerations, supplementary exams, etc. Some courses are only now (week 3 of Term 2) cleaning up the stragglers.

    This wastes too many resources. Janelle and the TSAs will elaborate, and we might consider ways to reduce the amount of "cleanup" at the end of each term.

    Growth in Special Consideration Applications
    Exams, Supp Exams, Supp Supps
    Janelle Heron
    15 mins 5.2 New Course: Engineering of Machine Learning Systems

    CSE has many courses dealing with theoretical aspects of AI and Machine Learning. Do we need a course to deal with the practicalities of building systems based on Machine Learning technology. Jake Renzella has a proposal.

    Preliminary Course Proposal

    Jake Renzella
    10 mins 5.3 Maths in the CSE Curriculum

    What do we need students to learn in and retain from Math 1A/1B? Would bespoke maths courses might be more suitable for our students?

    Raveen De Silva
    10 mins 5.4 AQF Levels

    The Australian Qualifications Framework defines a number of levels which indicate the complexity or depth of content for particular qualifications in the Australian education system.

    AQF Level 7 = Bachelors level (e.g. 3778 BSc(CompSci))
    AQF Level 8 = Honours level (e.g. 3707 BE(Hons))
    AQF Level 9 = Masters level (e.g. 8543 MIT)

    The Faculty has recently become obssessed with the relationship between course codes and AQF levels and this almost blocked the approval of the Cyber Security degree. They have a set of guidelines on this. How much should we "buy in"?

    Course Code Guidelines
    John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE Anybody
    5 mins 6.2. Report on Cyber Security Programs Working Group Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 6.3. Report on UNSW Online Rahat Masood
    Raymond Wong
    10 mins 6.4. Report on Workload Committee/Formula Wayne Wobcke
      7. Closure