The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 21/06)
will be held at 10:30am on Friday, 08 October 2021, via Zoom.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


  1. Apologies and Welcome

  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting *

    CSE Teaching Committee 21/05 (27 August 2021)

  3. Reports from Bodies outside CSE

    Reports on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.

  4. Accreditation

    ACS Accreditation visit in Week 6

    • October 19, 10-10.30, Welcome by PVCE, Deputy Dean, HoS
    • October 19, 10.30-11, DoS presentations on ICT job roles
    • October 19, 11-12, DHoS, AHoS, Course convenors
    • October 20, 9.30-10.30, Teaching staff, incl. casuals
    • October 20, 10.30-11.30, Students
    • October 20, 12.30-1, HoS, DHoS, AHoS

    This hopefully renews the accreditation of all our programs: Computer Science, Bioinformatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and Master of Information Technology.

  5. Course Offerings

    A recent Tharunka article and complaints about lack of summer courses suggests that we are not communicating information on course offerings well enough to students. How can we (a) schedule course offerings better, (b) communicate course scheduling better?

  6. Teaching Allocations

    Related to previous item, how can we ensure that we have enough teaching capability to run all of our courses? Should we start cancelling courses or course offerings if we can't staff them adequately?

  7. Software Engineering Review

    Fethi Rabhi can't attend this meeting, but has provided draft documents from the Software Engineering review.

  8. New Course: COMP6772 (v3.0)

    Another iteration of the proposal for a course that aims to discuss modern software engineering practices from the perspective of C++ development.

  9. Inspera and Online Exams

    UNSW has imported (bought) a system to author/run online exams and has suggested that all exams be run on this platform, and has also suggested that "Schools will not be permitted to run their own individual high stakes invigilated exams."

  10. Any Other Business