A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee
(CSE Education Committee 21/05)
took place on Friday, 27 August 2021,
via Zoom.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Faculty Academic Programs Committee:
Software Engineering Review
SE reviewed every 5 years. Working groups on specific sub-topics. Subgroup led by Carroll Morgan on formal methods. Subgroup led by Nick Patrikeos on SE methods (prompted by DESN2000). Subgroup led by Wayne on Ethics/management (prompted by DESN3000). Encourage people to join WGs. Including industry and student feedback.
Course Offerings 2022
Need to tweak workload model. JAS wants to know people's work outside teaching. WW notes other kinds of work to include (forum, UNSW Online, etc.)
Thesis B+C
For noting: students will not be permitted to enrol in Thesis B and Thesis C together unless they have a mark of HD for Thesis A and strong support from the supervisor.
Fethi: need to make sure that this is publicised. WW: could B+C be done in term before internship.
Plagiarism Handling
Can't afford to send every plagiarism case to SCIU. Handle significant plagiarism locally. WW: "we should follow the process". In his course, students who plagiarised in a 15% assignment were given 0FL for whole course. Old exams are available for purchase online AT is familiar with SCIU process and says it's professional, but they are not domain experts. Would like to return to invigilated exams eventually. Need to communicate SCIU processes better to students. CM: could we use viva's? MG: submitting git histories might help. MG: research on reasons *why* students cheat. AT: Git repos seem to reduce cheating somewhat.
Action: ask SCIU about their speed.
ACOA and Course Outlines
BG: using ACOA is ok, except for the schedule; but the result is ugly. SV: schedule is messy to enter; using ECLIPS data makes it hard to precisely specify assessment. CM: could we put some Course Outline content in our own course web sites? AT: we should push back and not use it.
Inspera and Online Exams
SS: problems with Inspera: students communicating with course staff; notifications of changes when using a randomly chose set of questions. WW: Moodle failed at start of exam; needed to contact Moodle service; unsatisfactory service.
DESN2000 and DESN3000
Wayne Wobcke reports: DESN3000 may be an Ethics/management-type course, but include design aspects. Relationship between DESN2000 and DESN3000 still not clear. Can we run them in the order 3000 → 2000? BG: BINF students worked closely with SENG students.
EngAust Accreditation
Still waiting for detailed feedback from EngAust to find what changes they expect.
ACS Accreditation coming mid-October. Will look at all programs.
Any Other Business
Discussion on course codes and course offerings. Change 2041 to 6041? 3141 and relationship to SE.
Meeting closed: 12:30pm