A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee
(CSE Education Committee 21/03)
will be held at 09:30am on Friday, 04 June 2021,
via Zoom.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
CSE Teaching Committee 21/2 (12 March 2021)
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Reports on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.
Engineering Academic Programs committee:
CSE has completed the documentation for Engineers Australia accreditation of undergraduate engineering degrees. This included a School Report, Course Outlines, examples of assessment, and curriculum mapping. Engineers Australia visit July 26-28, meeting academic staff and students.
Also, ACS accreditation of all degrees (BE(Hons) plus Comp Sci and MIT). Requires a new set of documentation and new curriculum mapping. This will require more assistance from academic staff.
Revising Software Engineering
Fethi and Carroll have been working to revamp the Software Engineering degree beyond the core.
Carroll will present a proposal to re-organise the second year of the software engineering program.
Fethi plans to conduct a review of the whole Software Engineering degree in the second half of the year.
Proposal: SENG year 2 revision
New Course: COMP6772
Re-visiting a proposal for a new C++ course, which may involve a revision of COMP6771.
Course Offerings 2022
It's time to start planning for next year. One significant planned change is to run COMP1521, COMP1531 and COMP2511 in every term. We should also try to balance the number of courses offered in each term; at present we have too many courses in T3, relative to the other terms.
Assessment Practices in CSE
We received several major complaints from students this term
We need to do better. Need more serious review of exams.
Any Other Business