The University of New South Wales

Minutes of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 21/02)
was held at 10:00am on Friday, 12 March 2021, via Zoom.

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


  1. Apologies and Welcome

    Present: John Shepherd (JAS) (chair), Bruno Gaeta (BG), Alan Blair (AB), Fethi Rabhi (FR), Eirc Martin (EM), Wayne Wobcke (WW)
    Apologies: Andrew Taylor (AT), Oliver Diessel (OD)
    Absent: -
    In Attendance: Tom Kunc (TK), ...?

  2. Reports from Bodies outside CSE

    Reports on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.


    From Academic Programs Committee: MComm/MIT - looking at T3-21 start; 2yr joint Masters: 1yr Comm, 1yr CSE (must have completed UG computing of some kind)

  3. DESN2000, DESN3000

    The Design courses seem to have veered away from full-on "design".


    DESN3000 not fully proposed yet. Wayne/Bruno on working group.

    A move towards ethical design. Common introduction to ethics then customised to each school. 2022 planned start. It will possibly be school based rather than stream based. It will be driven by what Accreditation requirements are.

    Auxiliary discussion sparked by mention of DESN200:

    COMP2111 - revived as an elective course

    Could COMP2121 also be revived?

    COMP1531 - might need to be run 3 times a year

  4. COMP4920

    Since CS and SENG students seem to have a good dose of project management in various courses (COMP3900 for CS, and the workshops for SENG). If the other programs also cover project management, the need for a PM component in COMP4920/SENG4920 seems unnecessary. If ethics are covered in DESN3000, do we even need COMP4920?


    Removing project component in 2021. COMP4920 purely ethics course.

    Could we cover ethics early by adding a 6th course to the core?

    Alan: could we make COMP3900 a 12UoC (3 units ethics + 9 units of projects) course?

  5. Reviving COMP2121?

    COMP2121 - would it be useful to bring this back?

    Can it fit into the Comp Eng program? Maybe we can review the structure of Comp Eng.

    Should be pre-req for DESN2000.

    For now, students are taking COMP9032. No long-term solution at the moment.

    If we revive COMP2121, should we make COMP1521 a pre-req for COMP2121?

  6. New Course: COMP9xxx Complex Networks and Applications

    JiaoJiao is proposing a new advanced course on graph-type networks. Course Proposal


    How do we model the growth of social networks. Jiaojiao discussed the course outline.


    • COMP2521 or equivalent.
    • COMP9020 or 3121 or 9101 DPST1014 MATH2801.
    • basic linear algebra eg. MATH2501

    Targets: Yr 3 students, ADK course, MIT students might like to take it.

    A full proposal should be entered into ECLIPS.

  7. FYI: Curriculum Mapping for Accreditation

    Accreditation requires the school to map the Learning Outcomes for each course to the Engineers Australia competencies. This would require significant work by itself, since we are required to do this mapping in ECLIPS.


    LO, map them to the EA stage 1 competencies via ECLIPS.

    Problem is the LO in CO and ECLIPS don't match. Need to make sure they are consistent. The same thing is needed for assessments. For difference in assessments we could argue it was due to COVID. John will do a video of how to do things in ECLIPS. Mapping needs to be completed by end March. Everything needs to be finalised by end April. CO available on SharePoint.

    EA will visit in July.

    ACS Accreditation - some PG courses included. Diff set of competencies needed for mapping. Sample assessments may not be required.

  8. Any Other Business


    John discussed the items listed on CSE Education Committee page

    Eric - Proposals for Academic Board

    More flexibility in choosing courses in different terms. Currently too restricted. Demand for increased course availability. Some courses should be made available across all terms eg 9318, 9313, 9417, 3411, 6441, 6443, 9511, 9517, 6445, 9321, 6080. More space should be reserved for incoming students in core courses. At least 20% in core courses should be reserved for new students.