A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Committee
will be held at 1:00pm on Friday 25 September 2015
in Room 103 (HoS Meeting Room), Computer Science Building.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
CSE Teaching Committee 15/5 (31 July 2015)
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
John Shepherd will report on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.
New Course Proposal: Cyber Security
Richard Buckland has been working on developing a new course on Cyber Security in conjunction with the Commonwealth Bank. He will describe the current state of development before putting a formal proposal at the next meeting.
4th-Year Thesis Assessment
Helen Paik will discuss her plans to re-vamp what happens at the end of the 4th-year thesis, including new assessment criteria and a showcase.
Accreditation and Curriculum Mapping
John Shepherd will discuss the current status of the Engineers Australia accreditation process and show a Curriculum Mapping tool that the Faculty plans to use to convince EngAust that they are meeting graduate outcomes.
Elite Students Streams
The CSE Office has a proposal for a (set of) streams to enable smooth handling of Elite Students and their non-standard programs, rather than having to deal with them via exceptions under the current streams.
A Revised Computer Science Program?
At the CSE Planning Day, it was noted that there were issues with the new structure of CS Honours: students who could formerly have counted subjects studied in their BSc degree towards Honours, can no longer do so since Honours has become a separate program. The shift to a separate Honours program was driven by external factors and cannot be undone. We need to do some restructuring of the way CS Honours is handled to deal with this. One possibility raised at the Planning Day was to propose a new Computer Science program, which was 4-years by default, with an option to graduate with a differently-named degree after 3 years. We need to discuss both the original problem and possible solutions, including a new 4-year CS program.
Progressing the Core Syllabus Revision
The redevelopment of the Core Syllabus has been paused, waiting on the outcome of UNSW's possible restructuring of teaching terms. This looks to be becoming more fixed (3 x 10-week terms), but won't be finalised until the release (in January) of the planning document based on the White Paper. What can we do in the meantime to progress this important task?