Towards Mechanised Proofs in Double-Pushout Graph Transformation

Robert Söldner
(University of York, United Kingdom)
Detlef Plump
(University of York, United Kingdom)

We formalise the basics of the double-pushout approach to graph transformation in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL and provide associated machine-checked proofs. Specifically, we formalise graphs, graph morphisms and rules, and a definition of direct derivations based on deletion and gluing. We then formalise graph pushouts and prove with Isabelle's help that both deletions and gluings are pushouts. We also prove that pushouts are unique up to isomorphism. The formalisation comprises around 2000 lines of source text. Our motivation is to pave the way for rigorous, machine-checked proofs in the theory of the double-pushout approach, and to lay the foundations for verifying graph transformation systems and rule-based graph programs by interactive theorem proving.

In Reiko Heckel and Christopher M. Poskitt: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM 2022), Nantes, France, 6th July 2022, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 374, pp. 59–75.
Published: 22nd December 2022.

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