Run-Time Risk Mitigation in Automated Vehicles: A Model for Studying Preparatory Steps

Mario Gleirscher
(Technical University of Munich)

We assume that autonomous or highly automated driving (AD) will be accompanied by tough assurance obligations exceeding the requirements of even recent revisions of ISO 26262 or SOTIF. Hence, automotive control and safety engineers have to (i) comprehensively analyze the driving process and its control loop, (ii) identify relevant hazards stemming from this loop, (iii) establish feasible automated measures for the effective mitigation of these hazards or the alleviation of their consequences.

By studying an example, this article investigates some achievements in the modeling for the steps (i), (ii), and (iii), amenable to formal verification of desired properties derived from potential assurance obligations such as the global existence of an effective mitigation strategy. In addition, the proposed approach is meant for step-wise refinement towards the automated synthesis of AD safety controllers implementing such properties.

In Lukas Bulwahn, Maryam Kamali and Sven Linker: Proceedings First Workshop on Formal Verification of Autonomous Vehicles (FVAV 2017), Turin, Italy, 19th September 2017, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 257, pp. 75–90.
Published: 7th September 2017.

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