Week 04 Extra Sample Solutions
- This page contains extra exercises for week 04.
- These exercises are not compulsory, nor do they provide any marks in the course.
- You cannot submit any of these exercises, however autotests are available for them (Command included at bottom of each exercise).
Upper case
Download uppercase.c here, or copy it to your CSE account using the following command:
cp -n /import/reed/A/dp1091/public_html/24T3/activities/uppercase/uppercase.c .
Your task is to add code to this function in uppercase.c:
int uppercase(int c) {
return 0; // change to your return value
and if
it is an uppercase letter, converts it to uppercase and returns that
value. All other input values should be returned unchanged.
Here is how uppercase.c should behave after you add the correct code to the function uppercase:
dcc uppercase.c -o uppercase ./uppercase abc ABC ABCabc123 ABCABC123 123!@# 123!@#
When you think your program is working,
you can use autotest
to run some simple automated tests:
1091 autotest uppercase
Sample solution for
// alex linker 2017-08-17
// main function for uppercase activity
#include <stdio.h>
int uppercase(int c);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// get the character
int c = getchar();
// loop until end of characters
while (c != EOF) {
// print the character in uppercase
//get the next character
c = getchar();
return 0;
int uppercase(int c) {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
return c - 'a' + 'A';
} else {
return c;