The University of New South Wales - COMP9312 - 24T2 - Data Analytics for Graphs


Shortest Distance and K-Core

Fix & Update (updates for the project are listed here):

Project released @ 26 Jun 2024


Required Files and
Submission Submit your files on Moodle (Only the last submission will be used)
Deadline 9pm Friday 19 July (Sydney Time)
Marks 25 marks (25% toward your total mark for this course)
Late penalty

5% of the max accessment mark will be deducted for each additional day (24hr) after the specified submission time and date. No submission is accepted 5 days (120hr) after the deadline.

Question Entries

Q1: shortest distance query (10 marks)

Q2: querying k-core (15 marks)

Submission Guide

1. Download the google colab notebook. (Go to 'File' on the menu, select 'Download', and click 'Download .ipynb')

2. Rename your notebook as Q1_zid.ipynb/Q2_zid.ipynb

3. Compress all the related files into

4. Upload and to Moodle