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School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of New South Wales
Advanced Operating Systems
COMP9242 2018/S2
Course Surveys 2010
Gernot's Comments on LiC Survey
Many thanks to all students for taking the time to answer the course
survey. This year we achieved a 100% return rate!
The results mostly speak for themselves. The course seems to be in good
shape, overall satsifaction was high (although not as high as in the
last couple of years). Given the small size of the class, not too much
can be interpreted in this.
Repeatedly-made comments:
The biggest gripe was the quality of the
documentation. Which is interesting, as previous years that
was also the biggest gripe, but then we were using a research
platform, while for the last three years we used the
commercially-supported OKL4 platform. I guess part of the problem
is that we're
programming directly to the kernel API, which isn't the
recommended way of using OKL4, and thus not so well supported by
docs. (But making more use of the library API would have hidden
some of the stuff I wanted you folks to learn).
Next year we'll be moving to seL4. This is again a research
system, so whether that will improve the
the documentation situation. But in real-life, docs are usually
much worse. Also, working things you for yourself is part of the
learning exercise (although I accept that in some cases it's just
a waste of time).
In any case, we'll think carefully about documentation for the new
project version.
Other comments regarding the project environment (libraries, kenge, build
system etc) are noted, but next year will be completely different.
Three-hour lecture block sux: Agreed, but we're at the
mercy of central time tabling. At least we could do it in the
afternoon followed by drinks, rather than the alternative of Tue
12–3 which was offered by central.
We did move the milestone deadline away from the lectures
following last year's comments. By all indications, this helped.
Chairs/tables in seminar room: This is the first time
we've got this complaint (from two students), but we've been using
the same room for at least 4 years. Are the chairs really worse
than in the normal lecture theatres?
Also, there were tables around you could have used. I'll make this
point specifically next time.
Relevant one-off comments:
Workload is heavy:
sure. It's meant to be that way. You
won't learn building real systems without that. But we're always
very up-front about this, so students know what to expect.
If anything it's good to see that only one student said
this. Looks like we've managed to adjust expectations ;-)
Time. Having the assignment due in week 12 limited my being
able to do any bonuses, especially with other assessments due in
week 12. It would be awesome if you submitted a working solution
on time and were able to submit diffs to complete some bonus tasks
We did this in the past and went off it, as people used bonus
tasks as an excuse to improve their basic system, which gave them
an unfair advantage. But the suggestion of letting you provide a
patch (to make it easier to confirm that you just added bonus
features) is definitely worth considering for next time, thanks
for the suggestion!
Limited consultation time for the project.
I'm rather surprised to read this, and have a hard time
reconciling this comments with the facts. We ran a full hour of
consults each working day, which seems pretty extensive for a
class of seven! Furthermore, the tutors tell me that half the
consults were not used at all. What's going on???
Not enough emphasis on research paper critical reading and
evaluation during the semester
We listed 1—3 relevant papers for each week's lecture, so
you were clearly directed to relevant literature. I also always
encourage people to read these papers, but inevitably hardly
anyone does. I can't read them for you, so what do you expect us
to do?
What we can do in the future is to provide the relevant papers a
week or so before the lecture, in the (probably vain) hope that
someone will read them. Worth trying...
Booting process could be covered.
I agree this would be useful. Will think about how we can fit this
in somewhere, but as you know, the material is crowded...
Some of the specifications were far too vague, and were
assessed on criteria that were not revealed to the
It is a core feature of this course that we do not spoon-feed
students. We intentionally provide only rough guidance, combined
with extensive feedback by tutors. We consider this a central part
of the course experience.
As far as assessment goes: No-one's milestone demo got marked down
because they chose a non-ideal design or implementation, but the
tutors might have told them why their choice was bad and advised
them to change it. This is very different from assessing based on
undisclosed criteria, and something we will not change!
For milestone 0, having some choice methods pointed out would
be nice...
Same comment as above: it's a feature, not a bug.
The biggest problem with the project is the loading
Noted, and possibly solved with a different platform, else we'll
think about it with the project re-design.
Some more exciting drivers would be nice.
I agree, but hard to fit in without making the project even
harder. Also, the platform is limited in that it only provides
trivial and complex devices, not much in between.
With a new project next year, and possibly a new hardware
platform, we will revisit this point.
Auto marking scripts are helpful to resolve conceptual
Providing you with a test harness and test cases would only work
if the milestones were defined much more narrowly. We do not want
this, as constraining the project too much would compromise the
learning experience as it would drastically limit your design
space, and avoid having to think through all the trade-offs. This
is core systems work.
Furthermore, testing your system is your job, and when thinking
about your design you should think about how to test it. Taking
this off you would be counter-productive!
All up, that was a lot of useful feedback. Thanks to all of you!
Last modified:
24 May 2019.
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