COMP3311 Final Exam 21T3 The University of New South Wales
COMP3311 Database Systems
Final Exam 21T3
Database Systems
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[Q1] [Q2] [Q3] [Q4] [Q5] [Q6] [Q7] [Q8] [Q9] [Q10]

Question 10 (6 marks)

Consider the following spreadsheet containing information about PhD students and their topic and supervisor:

ABCD E   F  
3312345David WangDatabase Query Optimisation9300123Prof PickleDatabases
3456789Peter PiperSimulation of Rat Intelligence9512345Prof ZanyAI
3334445Tammy TigerWhat's Wrong with MongoDB?9300123Prof PickleDatabases
3987654Sarah SnookWifi, Wifi, Wherefore art thou?9054321Prof IsoNetworks
3876543Roger DodgerAfter the Singularity9512345Prof ZanyAI

The columns in the spreadsheet represent the following:

AStudent ID number
BStudent name
CThesis topic
DSupervisor ID number
ESupervisor name
FSupervisor specialty

You may assume that students only ever do one PhD, and don't change topic or supervisor.


  1. Based on your understanding of the problem, aided by the values in the spreadsheet, identify the functional dependencies in the above table.

  2. Using the BCNF decomposition algorithm, convert ABCDEF into a BCNF schema.
    At each step, you must show the relevant functional dependencies and the primary key for each table.

  3. Describe briefly, in english, what each of the tables in the final BCNF schema represents.


End of Question