COMP3311 Final Exam 21T3 |
The University of New South Wales COMP3311 Database Systems Final Exam 21T3 |
Database Systems |
Consider the following (partial) flight booking schema:
Flights(flight_no, aircraft, nseats, nbooked, departure, ...) Bookings(flight_no, passenger, seat_no)
The nbooked attribute is maintained by the triggers below and aims to record the total number of seats booked on the flight. Each booking is for one passenger in a particular seat. Bookings cannot be updated, only insertdeleted.
Now consider the triggers that maintain nbooked and do other checks.
create trigger pre_booking before insert or delete on Bookings for each row execute procedure pre_booking_check(); create function pre_booking_check() returns trigger as $$ declare fno text; flight record; begin if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then fno := new.flight_no else fno := old.flight_no end if; select * into flight from Flights where flight_no = fno; if not found then raise exception 'Booking error'; end if; if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then return old; else if flight.nbooked = flight.nseats then raise exception 'Booking error'; end if; return new; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger post_booking after insert or delete on Bookings for each row execute procedure post_booking_update(); create function post_booking_update() returns trigger as $$ declare fno text; flight record; begin if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then update Flights set nbooked = nbooked+1 where flight_no = new.flight_no; else update Flights set nbooked = nbooked-1 where flight_no = old.flight_no; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql;
You should assume that the above code is syntactically correct.
Describe what conditions are being checked in pre_booking_check()?
Suggest what other conditions could be checked in pre_booking_check()?
Describe what happens when the following SQL statement is executed on flight QF01, where seat 25-D is currently empty
insert into Bookings values ('QF01','John Smith','25-D');
Describe what happens when the following SQL statement is executed on a full flight QF02
insert into Bookings values ('QF02','John Smith','25-D');
Describe what happens when the following SQL statement is executed on flight QF03, which already has a booking in seat 15-F
delete from Bookings where flight_no = 'QF03' and seat_no = '15-F';