Software System Design and Implementation (18s1)


1 Sample exam solution bug fix

[2018-06-08 Fri] There was a cut-copy-paste error in the solution for Q2 (2), the type of append. Fixed now.

2 Quizzes Scaling

[2018-06-02 Sat]

There appears to be some confusion about the marking being applied to the quizzes. Now that all the numbers have come in, I have been able to take a look at the results, and have decided to scale the quizzes such that 64 out of 80 correct answers will net you full marks for the quiz component. This should help for the vast majority of students who were unable to complete a quiz or two during assignment season, and very few students will have their mark capped by this change. I hope this doesn't ruffle too many feathers! We were unable to determine a good scaling model until after all the results were in.

3 Sample Exam

[2018-05-22 Tue]

I've uploaded a sample exam (in the Week 12 menu). It has the same format as the final exam, and the same style of question, but the number of marks for each subquestion is somewhat random, as I didn't try to balance them, so don't take them too seriously.

4 Quiz extensions

[2018-05-11 Fri]

A student pointed out to me that there are only supposed to be 10 quizzes in the course, and at the current pace we'd run out of quizzes before the end of semester.

Because you're all presumably busy with assignments, I assume you won't mind if I extend the Week 9 and Week 10 quiz deadlines by one week. The Week 11 quiz, which will be made up of revision questions for the whole course, will be due at the end of Week 13.

5 Assignment 2 submission is open

[2018-05-06 Sun]

Submission is now open for assignment 2. Submit by typing:

give cs3141 Hare Hare.hs

6 Assignment 2 Update

[2018-05-04 Fri]

I have released a minor update to Assignment 2, changing the order in which we expect results from rptRange and clarifying some other points. The example tests will now also report errors the right way around.

7 Assignment 2

[2018-04-30 Mon]

I have just released Assignment 2. Submission has not yet been set up, I will post again when I have enabled it. The due date has been set for the 25th of May.

Please let me (Liam) know if there are any problems.

8 Quizzes

[2018-04-18 Wed]

The Week 7 Quiz, just released (sorry for delay), will be for the content in both the Week 7 and Week 8 lectures, so the due date will be the Friday of Week 9. Furthermore, I have extended the deadline for the Week 6 quiz to be the end of Week 8, to allow you more time to work on your assignments.

9 Assignment 1 released!

[2018-03-27 Tue]

Have fun!

10 YOW! Night looking for volunteers

[2018-03-23 Fri]

Not really COMP3141 related, but in case anyone is interested. Melissa Loh, the organiser of YOW! Nights contacted me about an upcoming event on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Virtual and Augmented Reality and IoT, and working in the Cloud Computing space, for which they are looking for student volunteers. You can find out more here

11 Problems with Piazza?

[2018-03-16 Fri]

If the Piazza link doesn't work for you, try the following:

  1. Go to their sign up page
  2. click on Students Get Started, which should get you to the school search page
  3. Enter UNSW
  4. You should be on the course selection page now - enter COMP3141, join as student

12 Fixes to Quiz 2, Exercises

[2018-03-12 Mon 11:52]

Question 8 in the Week 2 Quiz had a minor bug where none of the answers were correct for non-Integer types. I've changed the question to fix the bug. Any of you who previously checked no boxes for Question 8 have had your answers retroactively changed such that you answered correctly.

I have also corrected a slight problem in the Week 3 Exercise, where the example picture used in the build instructions was not actually defined anywhere.

13 Exercises start this week

[2018-03-10 Sat]

For this week (Week 3) you should find the first weekly programming exercise. It must be completed by Sunday 18th March.

The quiz for Week 3 lectures will be available on Monday, and will be due at the end of Week 4.

14 Guest Lecture next week

[2018-03-07 Wed]

Next week, Thursday, we will have a guest lecture by Patrick Flanagan, Jane Street Capital

15 Haskell for Mac

[2018-03-07 Wed]

I sent out the registration keys to everyone who has replied to the email. Contact me in case you didn't receive one.

16 Whiteboard Notes

[2018-02-26 Mon 21:31]

Can be viewed via UNSW Sharepoint (OneNote)

17 Echo lecture recordings

[2018-02-26 Mon 21:03]

Should be available via Moodle now.

18 Haskell for Mac

[2018-02-26 Mon 15:22]

For Mac users: you can download Haskell for Mac now and start using it in trial mode. I'll send out an email soon with instructions of how to get the registration key.

19 Welcome to COMP3141

[2018-01-10 Wed 23:37]

Welcome to COMP3141 18s1! In this course we will be making extensive use of the Haskell programming language. See the page on Setting up Haskell for more information.

Lectures (and their associated quizzes) begin in Week 1, with programming exercises starting in Week 2.

2018-06-14 Thu 18:29

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