Week 02 Tutorial Questions
Recursion and Analysis of Algorithms
For the questions below, use the following data type:
struct node {
int value;
struct node *next;
Write a recursive function to compute the length of a linked list. It should have this signature:
int listLength(struct node *l) { ... }
Write a recursive function to count the number of odd numbers in a linked list. It should have this signature:
int listCountOdds(struct node *l) { ... }
Write a recursive functions to check whether a list is sorted in ascending order. It should have this signature:
bool listIsSorted(struct node *l) { ... }
Write a recursive function to delete the first instance of a value from a linked list, if it exists. The function should return a pointer to the beginning of the updated list. Use the following interface:
struct node *listDelete(struct node *l, int value) { ... }
Recall that an alternative representation of a linked list uses a struct that contains a pointer to the first node of the list:
struct list { struct node *head; };
How would your recursive solutions for the above questions change if the functions took a
struct list
pointer instead of a node pointer? For example:int listLength(struct list *l);
The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle consisting of three rods (Rod A, B and C) and disks of various sizes. The disks are initially stacked on Rod A from largest (at the bottom) to smallest (at the top), and the goal is to move all the disks onto Rod C, while following these rules:
- Only one disk can be moved at a time
- A larger disk cannot be placed on top of a smaller disk
Write a function that prints out instructions to complete the puzzle. The function should take in the number of disks, and the names of the three rods (A, B and C).
void solveHanoi(int numDisks, char *fromRod, char *toRod, char *otherRod) { ... }
For example, for three disks, the function call
solveHanoi(3, "A", "C", "B")
should print the following:Move disk from Rod A to Rod C Move disk from Rod A to Rod B Move disk from Rod C to Rod B Move disk from Rod A to Rod C Move disk from Rod B to Rod A Move disk from Rod B to Rod C Move disk from Rod A to Rod C
Analysis of Algorithms
Design an algorithm to determine if a string of length \( n \) is a palindrome - that is, it reads the same backwards as forwards. For example, "racecar" is a palindrome, while "reviewer" is not.
- Write the algorithm in pseudocode.
- Analyse the worst-case time complexity of your algorithm.
Implement your algorithm in C. Your program should accept a single command line argument, and check whether it is a palindrome. Examples of the program executing are:
./palindrome racecar yes ./palindrome reviewer no
Hint: You may use the standard library function strlen(3), which has prototypesize_t strlen(char *)
, is defined in<string.h>
, and which computes the length of a string (without counting its terminating'\0'
Using only techniques that you have learned so far, design an algorithm to determine if an array contains two elements that sum to a given value.
- Write the algorithm in pseudocode.
- Analyse the worst-case time complexity of your algorithm.
- Implement your algorithm as a function in C. The algorithm should accept an array and a value as input and return true or false.