Week 03 Laboratory Exercises
- Understanding shell scripting
Before the lab you should re-read the relevant lecture slides and their accompanying examples.
Getting Started
and changing to this directory.
mkdir lab03 cd lab03There are no provided files for this lab.
Balancing numbers
Write a POSIX-compatible shell script, balancing_numbers.sh
that reads from standard input and writes to standard output.
It should:
map all digit characters whose values are less than 5 into the character '
'. -
map all digit characters whose values are greater than 5 into the character '
'. -
leave the digit character '5', and all non-digit characters, unchanged.
Sample Input Data |
1 234 5 678 9 |
I can think of 100's of other things I'd rather be doing than these 5 questions |
A line with lots of numbers: 123456789123456789123456789 A line with all zeroes 000000000000000000000000000 A line with blanks at the end 1 2 3 |
Input with absolutely 0 digits in it Well ... apart from that 1 ... |
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 |
Corresponding Output |
< <<< 5 >>> > |
I can think of <<<'s of other things I'd rather be doing than these 5 questions |
A line with lots of numbers: <<<<5>>>><<<<5>>>><<<<5>>>> A line with all zeroes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< A line with blanks at the end < < < |
Input with absolutely < digits in it Well ... apart from that < ... |
< < < > <> << >< <<> <5> 5<< <<<< <<<> <<>> ><>< <><>< <<>>> >55<> |
When you think your program is working,
you can use autotest
to run some simple automated tests:
2041 autotest balancing_numbers
When you are finished working on this exercise,
you must
submit your work by running give
give cs2041 lab03_balancing_numbers balancing_numbers.sh
before Monday 10 March 12:00 (midday) (2025-03-10 12:00:00) to obtain the marks for this lab exercise.
Can you hear my echo
Write a POSIX-compatible shell script called echon.sh
which given exactly two arguments,
an integer n and a string,
prints the string n times.
For example:
./echon.sh 1 goodbye goodbye ./echon.sh 5 hello hello hello hello hello hello ./echon.sh 0 nothing
Your script should print exactly the error message below if it is not given exactly 2 arguments:
./echon.sh Usage: ./echon.sh <number of lines> <string> ./echon.sh 1 2 3 Usage: ./echon.sh <number of lines> <string>
Your script should print exactly the error message below if its first argument isn't a non-negative integer:
./echon.sh hello world ./echon.sh: argument 1 must be a non-negative integer ./echon.sh -42 lines ./echon.sh: argument 1 must be a non-negative integer
Although its better practice to print your error messages to stderr
its OK to print your error messages to stdout for this exercise.
When you think your program is working,
you can use autotest
to run some simple automated tests:
2041 autotest echon
When you are finished working on this exercise,
you must
submit your work by running give
give cs2041 lab03_echon echon.sh
before Monday 10 March 12:00 (midday) (2025-03-10 12:00:00) to obtain the marks for this lab exercise.
Categorising sizes
Write a POSIX-compatible shell script, file_sizes.sh
which prints the names of the files in the current directory splitting them into three categories:
- small if the file contains less than 10 lines
- medium-sized if the file contains between 10 and 100 lines
- large if the file contains 100 or more lines
Your script should always print exactly three lines of output.
Files should be listed in alphabetic order on each line.
Your shell-script should match character-for-character the output shown in the example below.
Notice the creation of a separate directory for testing and the use of the script from the last question to produce test files.
You could also produce test files manually using an editor.
mkdir test cd test ../echon.sh 5 text > a ../echon.sh 505 text > bbb ../echon.sh 17 text > cc ../echon.sh 10 text > d ../echon.sh 1000 text > e ../echon.sh 0 text > empty ls -l total 24 -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 25 Mar 24 10:37 a -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 2525 Mar 24 10:37 bbb -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 85 Mar 24 10:37 cc -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 50 Mar 24 10:37 d -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 5000 Mar 24 10:37 e -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 0 Mar 24 10:37 empty ../file_sizes.sh Small files: a empty Medium-sized files: cc d Large files: bbb e rm cc d ../echon.sh 10000 . > lots_of_dots ls -l total 36 -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 25 Mar 24 10:37 a -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 2525 Mar 24 10:37 bbb -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 5000 Mar 24 10:37 e -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 0 Mar 24 10:37 empty -rw-r--r-- 1 andrewt andrewt 20000 Mar 24 10:39 lots_of_dots ../file_sizes.sh Small files: a empty Medium-sized files: Large files: bbb e lots_of_dots
When you think your program is working,
you can use autotest
to run some simple automated tests:
2041 autotest file_sizes
When you are finished working on this exercise,
you must
submit your work by running give
give cs2041 lab03_file_sizes file_sizes.sh
before Monday 10 March 12:00 (midday) (2025-03-10 12:00:00) to obtain the marks for this lab exercise.
Scraping JSON APIs with the shell
Write a POSIX-compatible shell script, scraping_courses.sh
which prints a list of UNSW postgraduate & undergraduate courses with the given prefix by extracting them from the UNSW handbook webpages.
In 2019 UNSW changed to much prettier format but also added an API that scripts can extract information from.
(It's probably not really meant for our scripts, but they haven't blocked us yet)
In 2024 UNSW added rate limiting to the API, but we have ways around that.
For this exercise we'll use the 2019-2025 handbook pages via the API
For example:
./scraping_courses.sh 2021 OPTM OPTM2133 The Clinical Environment OPTM2190 Introduction to Clinical Optometry OPTM2233 Optical Dispensing OPTM2291 Primary Care Optometry OPTM3105 Disease Processes of the Eye 1 OPTM3111 Optometry 3A OPTM3131 Ocular Disease 3A OPTM3133 Vision Science in the Consulting Room OPTM3201 Ocular Imaging & Applied Vision Science OPTM3205 Disease Processes of the Eye 2 OPTM3211 Optometry 3B OPTM3231 Ocular Disease 3B OPTM3233 Working in the Clinical Environment OPTM4110 Optometry 4A OPTM4131 Clinical Optometry 4A OPTM4151 Ocular Therapeutics 4A OPTM4211 Optometry 4B OPTM4231 Clinical Optometry 4B OPTM4251 Ocular Therapeutics 4B OPTM4271 Professional Optometry OPTM4291 Optometry, Medicine and Patient Management OPTM5111 Clinical Optometry 5A OPTM5131 Specialist Clinical Optometry 5A OPTM5151 Clinical Ocular Therapeutics 5A OPTM5171 Research Project 5A OPTM5211 Clinical Optometry 5B OPTM5231 Specialist Clinical Optometry 5B OPTM5251 Clinical Ocular Therapeutics 5B OPTM5271 Research Project 5B OPTM6400 Optometric Preclinical Practice OPTM6411 Contact Lenses OPTM6412 Clinical Optometry 4A OPTM6413 Anterior Eye Therapeutics OPTM6421 Binocular Vision, Paediatrics and Low Vision OPTM6422 Clinical Optometry 4B OPTM6423 Therapeutics and the Posterior Eye OPTM6424 Professional Optometry OPTM7001 Introduction to Community Eye Health OPTM7002 Epidemiology & Biostatistics for Needs Assessment OPTM7003 Epidemiology of Blinding Eye Diseases OPTM7004 Advocacy and Education in Community Eye Health OPTM7005 Eye Health Economics and Sustainability OPTM7006 Eye Care Program Management OPTM7007 Community Eye Health Project OPTM7103 Behavioural Optometry 1 OPTM7104 Advanced Contact Lens Studies 1 OPTM7107 Ocular Therapy 1 OPTM7108 Research Skills in Optometry OPTM7115 Visual Neuroscience OPTM7117 Ocular Therapy 2 OPTM7203 Behavioural Optometry 2 OPTM7205 Specialty Contact Lens Studies OPTM7208 Research Skills in Optometry OPTM7213 Ocular Therapy OPTM7218 Research Project OPTM7301 Advanced Clinical Optometry OPTM7302 Evidence Based Optometry OPTM7308 Research Project OPTM7444 Business Skills in Optometry OPTM7511 Advanced Ocular Disease 1 OPTM7521 Advanced Ocular Disease 2 OPTM7611 Introduction to Myopia OPTM7612 Myopia Management OPTM7621 Clinical Myopia Management OPTM8511 Clinical Paediatrics, Low Vision and Colour Vision OPTM8512 Clinical Optometry 5A OPTM8513 Clinical Ocular Therapy 5A OPTM8514 Optometry Research Project OPTM8518 Optometry Research Project A OPTM8521 Clinical Contact Lenses OPTM8522 Clinical Optometry 5B OPTM8523 Clinical Ocular Therapy 5B OPTM8528 Optometry Research Project B ./scraping_courses.sh 2020 MATH | wc 125 601 5029 ./scraping_courses.sh 2019 COMP | grep -F "Soft" COMP1531 Software Engineering Fundamentals COMP2041 Software Construction: Techniques and Tools COMP3141 Software System Design and Implementation COMP3431 Robotic Software Architecture COMP4161 Advanced Topics in Software Verification COMP6447 System and Software Security Assessment COMP6452 Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications COMP9044 Software Construction: Techniques and Tools COMP9322 Software Service Design and Engineering COMP9323 Software as a Service Project COMP9434 Robotic Software Architecture ./scraping_courses.sh 2023 MINE | grep -F "Rock" MINE3630 Rock Breakage MINE5010 Fundamentals of Rock Behaviour for Underground Mining MINE5030 Mining Excavations in Rock
Your script should print exactly the error message below if it is not given exactly 2 arguments:
./scraping_courses.sh Usage: ./scraping_courses.sh <year> <course-prefix>
Also get your script to print this error message if its first argument isn't in the allowable range:
./scraping_courses.sh 2000 COMP ./scraping_courses.sh: argument 1 must be an integer between 2019 and 2025
Your script must access the handbook API and extract the information from the returned JSON data.
When you think your program is working,
you can use autotest
to run some simple automated tests:
2041 autotest scraping_courses
When you are finished working on this exercise,
you must
submit your work by running give
give cs2041 lab03_scraping_courses scraping_courses.sh
before Monday 10 March 12:00 (midday) (2025-03-10 12:00:00) to obtain the marks for this lab exercise.
Challenge Exercise:
Scraping Badly Designed JSON APIs with the shell
Write a POSIX-compatible shell script, advanced_scraping_courses.sh
which works exactly the same as scraping_courses.sh
but can also retrieve data from the legacy handbook.
In 2005-2018 the handbook uses a different API so you will need to write a new (and more complicated) jq
The legacy handbook API returns a lot of extra information.
We only want undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Same as the non-challenge exercise, your script should print a suitable error message when necessary.
When you think your program is working,
you can use autotest
to run some simple automated tests:
2041 autotest advanced_scraping_courses
When you are finished working on this exercise,
you must
submit your work by running give
give cs2041 lab03_advanced_scraping_courses advanced_scraping_courses.sh
before Monday 10 March 12:00 (midday) (2025-03-10 12:00:00) to obtain the marks for this lab exercise.
You can run give
multiple times.
Only your last submission will be marked.
Don't submit any exercises you haven't attempted.
If you are working at home, you may find it more convenient to upload your work via give's web interface.
Remember you have until Week 4 Monday 12:00:00 (midday) to submit your work.
You cannot obtain marks by e-mailing your code to tutors or lecturers.
You check the files you have submitted here.
Automarking will be run by the lecturer several days after the submission deadline,
using test cases different to those autotest
runs for you.
(Hint: do your own testing as well as running autotest
After automarking is run by the lecturer you can view your results here. The resulting mark will also be available via give's web interface.
Lab Marks
When all components of a lab are automarked you should be able to view the the marks via give's web interface or by running this command on a CSE machine:
2041 classrun -sturec