Use the function your wrote to write a program that prompts the user for a positive integer less than 45 (otherwise it will overflow our long long variable) and prints out the factorial of that number.
Add error checking, so that if the user does not enter an integer the program prints "Invalid input" and exits. You should also print "Invalid input" and exit if the user enters a negative number or a number of 45 or more.
// This program allows a user to enter a number // and prints out its reciprocal (ie. 1 divided by the number) void reciprocal(double x); int main(void){ double x; printf("Enter a number "); scanf("%lf",&x); reciprocal(x); printf("The reciprocal is %lf\n",x); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void reciprocal(double x){ if ( x != 0 ){ x = 1.0/x; } }
However the function did not seem to work as intended and gave incorrect output as shown below
Enter a number 3 The reciprocal is 3.000000What is wrong with the code? How can we modify the code to make our function work as intended and in this case get
Enter a number 3 The reciprocal is 0.333333
int numbers[20];
and your program assigns a value to each element in the array, what is the problem with the statement x = numbers[20];
Write a C code fragment to store, in each element of this array, the square of the index of that element, e.g., squares[5] would contain the value 25.
int x; int a[6]; x = 10; a[3 * 2] = 2 * 3 * 7; printf("%d\n", x);mysteriously printed
. How could this happen when x
is clearly
assigned only the value 10
How can you easily detect such errors before they have mysterious effects?
So if 9 numbers were entered the program should print the 5th number entered. And if 27 numbers were entered the program should print the 14th number entered.
If an even number of numbers is entered there are two middle numbers, print the first of them.
For example if 8 numbers are entered, prints the 4th.
You can assume at most 10,000 numbers will be entered.
6 6 6 6 6 6
and what scores do they produce.
1 1 2 2 3 9
int x,y; int numValuesRead = scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); printf("I read in %d values : x = %d y = %d\n",numValuesRead,x,y);with the following inputs
#include <stdio.h> #define N 10 int main(void) { int digitCount[N]; int x, lastDigit; while (scanf("%d", &x) == 1) { lastDigit = x % N; digitCount[lastDigit] = digitCount[lastDigit] + 1; } lastDigit = 0; while (lastDigit < N) { printf("%d numbers with last digit %d read\n", digitCount[lastDigit], lastDigit); lastDigit = lastDigit + 1; } return 0; }It works on the students laptop:
gcc -Werror -Wall -O -o last_digit last_digit.c ./last_digit 42 121 100 11 <ctrl-d> 1 numbers with last digit 0 read 2 numbers with last digit 1 read 1 numbers with last digit 2 read 0 numbers with last digit 3 read 0 numbers with last digit 4 read 0 numbers with last digit 5 read 0 numbers with last digit 6 read 0 numbers with last digit 7 read 0 numbers with last digit 8 read 1 numbers with last digit 9 readprint counts of how many numbers read with each possible last digit.
But when run at uni fails
dcc -o last_digit last_digit.c ./last_digit 42 121 100 11 <ctrl-d> 778121076 numbers with last digit 0 read 7632239 numbers with last digit 1 read -2032569224 numbers with last digit 2 read 32727 numbers with last digit 3 read 0 numbers with last digit 4 read 0 numbers with last digit 5 read -2032409578 numbers with last digit 6 read 32727 numbers with last digit 7 read -21600000 numbers with last digit 8 read 32767 numbers with last digit 9 readWhy doesn't the code work at uni .
Why doesn't dcc
detect an error?
Fix the code (make sure you understand how it works - its a common & useful programming pattern).
which reads 6 numbers then reads another number
and prints how many times that number occurred in the first 6.
For example:
./occur Enter 6 numbers: 1 3 1 3 1 9 Enter a number: 1 1 occurred 3 times in the 6 numbers readMake sure you make you make it very easy to change how many numbers the program reads. Note: For now let's do this without creating any functions.
int arrayLength(int nums[])which returns the number of elements in the array
int testAllInitialised(int nums[], int size)which returns 1 if all elements of array nums are initialized, otherwise returns 0.
void sqrtIndex( double a[], int n )which takes an array
[] of n
double values and sets each values to be the square root of their index.
Hint: Use the math.h library function
double sqrt(double)
. How would you compile this if you were using gcc?
It should have this prototype:
int nonDecreasing(double array[], int length)
, that calculates the dot-product
of two vectors of integers. Assume it has the following prototype
int dotProduct(int vector1[VECTOR_LENGTH], int vector2[VECTOR_LENGTH])
Reminder you calculate the dot product by multiplying corresponding elements and summing the result. For example the dot product of vector 1,3,1,3,2 and 2,1,2,1,2 would be 14
int nums1[10];
int nums2[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int nums3[10] = {0,2,4,6,8,-2};
int nums4[10] = {0};
int nums5[2][10] = {{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}};
int nums6[][10] = {{0},{9},{1}};
int i; printf("%d\n",nums2[3]); printf("%d\n",nums3[5]); printf("%d\n",nums5[0][1]); printf("%d\n",nums5[1][0]); nums1[0] = nums2[1] + 10 ; printf("%d\n",nums1[0]); i = 0; printf("%d\n",nums1[i]);
printf("%d\n",nums2[10]); printf("%d\n",nums5[2][0]); printf("%d\n",nums5[1][10]);
below hold?
#include <stdio.h> #define N_ROWS 12 #define N_COLUMNS 15 int main(void) { int matrix[N_ROWS][N_COLUMNS];Write a function with the following prototype
void initialiseMatrix(int matrix[N_ROWS][N_COLUMNS]);that uses nested while loops to set every element of
Each element should be set to the product of its two indices.
Write a function with the following prototype
void printMatrix(int matrix[N_ROWS][N_COLUMNS]);that uses nested while loops to print the elements of
plus sums of each
row and sums of each column.
Write a main program that uses these functions
The output of your code should look like this:
./a.out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 105 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 | 210 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 | 315 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 | 420 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 | 525 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 | 630 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 | 735 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 | 840 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 | 945 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 | 1050 0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 | 1155 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 66 132 198 264 330 396 462 528 594 660 726 792 858 924
// Read SIZE x SIZE numbers and test if // they form a magic square // // // Andrew Taylor - // 10/4/13 /* // Lo Shu Square // 4 9 2 // 3 5 7 // 8 1 6 // // Magic square of primes // 17 89 71 // 113 59 5 // 47 29 101 */ #include <stdio.h> #define SIZE 3 void readSquare(int square[SIZE][SIZE]); void printSquare(int square[SIZE][SIZE]); int sumFirstRow(int square[SIZE][SIZE]); int checkMagic(int square[SIZE][SIZE], int magicValue); int main(void) { int square[SIZE][SIZE]; int row,col; int magicValue; int isMagic = 1; // read potential magic square printf("Enter %d numbers please:\n", SIZE*SIZE); readSquare(square); // print potential magic square printf("Numbers are:\n"); printSquare(square); // Find magic value magicValue = sumFirstRow(square); isMagic = checkMagic(square,magicValue); if(isMagic == 1){ printf("It is magic\n"); } else { printf("It is NOT magic\n"); } return 0; } void readSquare(int square[SIZE][SIZE]){ int row,col; row = 0; while(row < SIZE){ col = 0; while(col < SIZE){ scanf("%d",&square[row][col]); col = col + 1; } row = row + 1; } } void printSquare(int square[SIZE][SIZE]){ int row,col; row = 0; while(row < SIZE){ col = 0; while(col < SIZE){ printf("%d ",square[row][col]); col = col + 1; } printf("\n"); row = row + 1; } } int sumFirstRow(int square[SIZE][SIZE]){ int col; int sum = 0; col = 0; while(col < SIZE){ sum = sum + square[0][col]; col = col + 1; } return sum; } int checkMagic(int square[SIZE][SIZE], int magicValue){ int row,col; int isMagic = 1; int sumRow; //Check all other rows. We have already checked the first. row = 1; while(row < SIZE){ //check the sum of the row col = 0; sumRow = 0; while(col < SIZE){ sumRow = sumRow + square[row][col]; col = col + 1; } if(sumRow != magicValue){ isMagic = 0; } row = row + 1; } return isMagic; }