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Welcome to COMP1531 Software Engineering Fundamentals!

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[Notice] πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Welcome to COMP1531

Yuchao Jiang

(The first lecture will be online only. However, you are welcome to come in person to future Thursday classes regardless of if you enrolled in the in-person or online stream). Hi everyone! Welcome to COMP1531 24T3 πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ :) The fundamental aim of COMP1531 is to help you on your transition from being a solo programmer into being a collaborative software engineer. We have a teaching staff team of more than 50, and we're all super excited to get to know you. If you haven't already, complete the group preference form and also introduce yourself on the forum! πŸ‘€ About the course We have a course structure lecture for you to check out! If you watch it at 1.5x it's only less than 10 minutes. It's a great one to watch before our first lecture on Tuesday. πŸ‘” Getting ready for week 1! Here is a quick summary of getting ready for week 1. Lectures Our first lecture is on Tuesday, 11 am - 1 pm. It will be online (LINK HERE). Lectures slides can be found here. Tutorial / Lab Your week 1 tute/lab class is a one-hour tutorial and a two-hour lab. Make sure you have looked at where your tutorials and labs are (and if you're not sure, email your tutorβ€”emails here). There are lab questions to complete in week 1! We will release all labs this weekend on the course website. However: Week 1 lab questions aren't worth anything - we mark them for practice, but don't actually count your marks. Week 1 lab is due on MONDAY of week 2. So for late enrolments you have week 1 weekend to sort that out. Your tutorial and lab material for week 1 can be found here! During your class, your tutor will finalise your group allocations for the major project. See you soon! It's a pretty relaxed week and things will really start to pick up next Friday where we'll send another notice. The main update on Friday is going to be information about the very first & easy milestone your group will have for the major project. If you have any questions you can just post on the forum. See you in the first lecture 😎😎😎 πŸ•

😎 IMPORTANT - Pre-course information

Yuchao Jiang

Hi everyone! Welcome to COMP1531. If you haven't done so yet, come introduce yourself. Our course website is here. You can see the course outline there too. There are just two things you need to do or be aware of this week. 🟑1. First Lecture Our first lecture will be Tuesday the 10th of September from 11am-1pm online only. Join the live stream on YouTube here. πŸ”΅2. Group Preference Form‼️‼️ The form is due on Saturday 7th of September at 11pm!! CLICK HERE TO FILL IT IN. As specified in the course outline, COMP1531 has a major project component that is a 5-person, 9-week group project that constitutes 90% of the course assessment. The successful and equitable formation of amazing groups of students for this major project is a priority for us. And we need to finalise these groups before week 1. For us to form groups effectively, you are required to complete the preference form. This form asks you to: Optionally preference only 1 other student to be in your group of 5. This is for equitable learning purposes. If you preference someone, to avoid us disregarding the preference, they must: (1) Be enrolled in the same class at the same time (i.e., same code on MyUNSW) (2) ⚠️Fill out the form preferencing you as well (we disregard preferences if it only goes one way) ⚠️ Answer a few further questions that help us form groups, regardless of whether you have a person-preference. Here is a quick Q&A about the project and groups: Q. Will you accept late preferences? A. We sadly aren't in a position to accept late preferences, so please fill it in prior to then. Preferences are not guarantees that you will be in a group with that person, however, in nearly all cases we make it work. Q. What if I don't have a preference? A. If you don't have anyone to preference or only have one preference, don't even worry! That's very normal. You might hear murmurs from other students that you could end up with a "horror group" for COMP1531. Believe it or not, typically about 50% of student's don't provide preferences, and we just randomly match students in the same class. Q. I'm scared about being in a bad group and them pulling my mark down, help? A. We can assure you that while groups that struggle do exist, they only make up a small number of groups. We have structured the course and assessment very intentionally to have processes in place to ensure that if you work hard and follow the rules, your accomplishments should reflect your mark, even if you end up with some challenging group situations. In fact, in 24T3 we've devised the most individualized marking approach where essentially we have the capacity to mark any student individually from their group. Q. Can I be with my friends even if they're in a full class I'm not in? A. Lastly, a reminder that we can't manually enrol you in a full class, and we aren't accepting more than one preference per person as this ensures equitable group formation. Q. How can I edit my answers to the group preference form? If you’ve found the mistake before the deadline, you can simply edit the answers to your form. Let us know if you have any issues with that! 🐳 Q. Why can't I prefer multiple people? Unfortunately, for equity reasons, we can not allow multiple preferences. By equity reasons, we mean disparities between completely pre-formed groups and random groups. Our compromise is letting students only allocate a ✨single preference ✨ instead of groups being completely random 😊 ------------------------------------ We'll reach out again later this week with more information about getting started and first classes! πŸ‘‹ Until then, enjoy your week can't wait to meet you all

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