Week 08 Weekly Test Sample Answers

Test Conditions

These questions must be completed under self-administered exam-like conditions. You must time the test yourself and ensure you comply with the conditions below.

You may access this language documentation while attempting this test:

You may also access manual entries (the man command).

Any violation of the test conditions will results in a mark of zero for the entire weekly test component.

weekly test question:
Print out command line arguments in lower case

Write a C program, string_to_lower_args.c, which reads command line arguments then prints them out. When it prints out, it will convert all upper case letters to lower case.

Note: If there are any characters that are not Upper Case letters, they do not need to be converted.

Note: The apostrophe ' character causes problems when trying to print it out. There will be no tests using an ' in this activity.

The output from your program should look exactly like this:

dcc string_to_lower_args.c -o string_to_lower_args
./string_to_lower_args Hello World!
hello world!
./string_to_lower_args Its Over 9000!
its over 9000!
./string_to_lower_args KAMEHAMEHA

Need a Hint?

There's a way to decide if characters are upper case if they're between 'A' and 'Z'. They can then be treated as numbers to convert to lower case.

Otherwise, there is a C library called ctype.h that might have some useful functions!

When you think your program is working you can autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest string_to_lower_args
When you are finished working on this exercise you must submit your work by running give:
give cs1511 test08_string_to_lower_args string_to_lower_args.c
Sample solution for string_to_lower_args.c
// Read command line args and print them out
// converting all upper case letters to lower

// Marc Chee, April 2020

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void print_lower_word(char *word);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int i = 1;
    while (i < argc) {
        putchar(' ');

void print_lower_word(char *word) {
    int i = 0;
    while(word[i] != '\0') {

weekly test question:
Create a struct

Download struct_create.c here, or copy it to your CSE account using the following command:

cp -n /web/cs1511/20T1/activities/struct_create/struct_create.c .

Your task is to add code to this function in struct_create.c:

// create an instance of the struct and return a pointer to it
struct numbers *struct_create(int a, int b) {
    // PUT YOUR CODE HERE (you must change the next line!)
struct_create is written using the following struct that cannot be changed:

struct numbers {
    int first;
    int second;

struct_create should take two integers as input and return a pointer to a struct numbers variable that it has created. Its first input should be stored in the first field and its second input should be stored in the second field.

For example if the integers are:

int a = 1;
int b = 2;

and the function is called like this:

struct numbers* n = struct_create(a, b);
n will now be pointing at a struct that has n->first == 1 and n->second == 2.


struct numbers cannot be edited. It must be used as it is.

struct_create should call malloc() to allocate memory.

struct_create should not print anything. It should not call printf.

Your submitted file may contain a main function. It will not be tested or marked.

When you think your program is working you can autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest struct_create
When you are finished working on this exercise you must submit your work by running give:
give cs1511 test08_struct_create struct_create.c
Sample solution for struct_create.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Do not edit this struct. You may use it exactly as it is
// but you cannot make changes to it
struct numbers {
    int first;
    int second;

// create an instance of the struct and return a pointer to it
struct numbers *struct_create(int a, int b) {
    struct numbers *n = malloc(sizeof (struct numbers));
    n->first = a;
    n->second = b;
    return n;

// This is a simple main function which could be used
// to test your struct_create function.
// It will not be marked.
// Only your struct_create function will be marked.

int main(void) {
    int first = 1;
    int second = 2;
    struct numbers* n = struct_create(first, second);
    printf("%d, %d\n", n->first, n->second);
    return 0;

weekly test question:
Use structs and pointers to represent Pokemon evolution

Download evolve_pokemon.c here, or copy it to your CSE account using the following command:

cp -n /web/cs1511/20T1/activities/evolve_pokemon/evolve_pokemon.c .

Your task is to add code to these functions in evolve_pokemon.c:

// Create a pokemon 
struct pokemon *create_pokemon(char name[MAX_NAME_SIZE]) {
    // PUT YOUR CODE HERE (you must change the next line!)
    return NULL;
// Link a pokemon to another that it evolves into
void evolve_pokemon(struct pokemon *base, struct pokemon *evolution) {
// Print out the evolution of a pokemon
void print_evolution(struct pokemon *p) {
evolve_pokemon is written using the following struct that cannot be changed:

struct pokemon {
    char name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
    struct pokemon *evolution;

create_pokemon should allocate memory for a pokemon struct, set its name to the input string and return a pointer to it. The evolution pointer should be set to NULL.

evolve_pokemon should take two pointers to pokemon. It should set the second as the evolution of the first.

print_evolution should take a pointer to a pokemon. It should print out the name of the pokemon, then the name of what it evolves to and the name of what that pokemon evolves to until it reaches a pokemon that doesn't evolve into anything else. It should print each name on its own line.

For example if we create two pokemon using the strings "Pikachu" and "Raichu"

struct pokemon *pikachu = create_pokemon("Pikachu");
struct pokemon *raichu = create_pokemon("Raichu");

Then we set pikachu's evolution to be raichu and print the evolution

evolve_pokemon(pikachu, raichu);

The output of this will be:



struct pokemon cannot be edited. It must be used as it is.

create_pokemon should call malloc() to allocate memory.

evolve_pokemon should not print anything. It should not call printf.

print_evolution should continue printing names on separate lines until it reaches a NULL evolution then it will stop.

Your submitted file may contain a main function. It will not be tested or marked.

When you think your program is working you can autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1511 autotest evolve_pokemon
When you are finished working on this exercise you must submit your work by running give:
give cs1511 test08_evolve_pokemon evolve_pokemon.c
Sample solution for evolve_pokemon.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 50

// Do not edit this struct. You may use it exactly as it is
// but you cannot make changes to it
struct pokemon {
    char name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
    struct pokemon *evolution;

// Create a pokemon 
struct pokemon *create_pokemon(char name[MAX_NAME_SIZE]) {
    struct pokemon *p = malloc(sizeof (struct pokemon));
    strcpy(p->name, name);
    p->evolution = NULL;
    return p;

// Link a pokemon to another that it evolves into
void evolve_pokemon(struct pokemon *base, struct pokemon *evolution) {
    base->evolution = evolution;

// Print out the evolution of a pokemon
void print_evolution(struct pokemon *p) {
    while(p != NULL) {
        printf("%s\n", p->name);
        p = p->evolution;

// This is a simple main function which could be used
// to test your pokemon functions.
// It will not be marked.
// Only your pokemon functions will be marked.

int main(void) {
    struct pokemon *pikachu = create_pokemon("Pikachu");
    struct pokemon *raichu = create_pokemon("Raichu");
    evolve_pokemon(pikachu, raichu);
    return 0;


When you are finished each exercise make sure you submit your work by running give.

You can run give multiple times. Only your last submission will be marked.

Don't submit any exercises you haven't attempted.

If you are working at home, you may find it more convenient to upload your work via give's web interface.

Remember you have until Week 9 Thursday 17:00 to complete this test.

Automarking will be run by the lecturer several days after the submission deadline for the test, using test cases that you haven't seen: different to the test cases autotest runs for you.

(Hint: do your own testing as well as running autotest)

Test Marks

After automarking is run by the lecturer you can view it here the resulting mark will also be available via via give's web interface or by running this command on a CSE machine:

1511 classrun -sturec

The test exercises for each week are worth in total 1 marks.

The best 7 of your 8 test marks for weeks 3-10 will be summed to give you a mark out of 7.