collected by | Ian P. Gent | Toby Walsh |
The Constrainedness of Search.
Ian Gent, Ewan MacIntyre, Patrick Prosser, and Toby Walsh.
Proceedings of AAAI-96, pages 246-252, 1996.
The SAT Phase Transition
Ian Gent and Toby Walsh.
Proceedings of ECAI-94, ed. A G Cohn, John Wiley & Sons,
pages 105-109, 1994.
The Satisfiability Constraint Gap.
Ian Gent and Toby Walsh.
Artificial Intelligence, 81 (1-2), 1996.
A Better Upper Bound for the Unsatisfiability Threshold.
L. M. Kirousis,
E. Kranakis,
D. Krizanc.
Technical report TR-96-09,
School of Computer Science,
Carleton University, 196.
Local Search and the Number of Solutions.
Dave Clark,
Jeremy Frank, Ian Gent, Ewan MacIntyre,
Neven Tomov
and Toby Walsh.
Proceedings of CP-96, 1996.
Tuning Local Search for Satisfiability Testing
A. J. Parkes and J. Walser, Proceedings of the 13th
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Portland, OR, 1996.