collected by | Ian P. Gent | Toby Walsh |
A Davis-Putnam Based Enumeration Algorithm for Linear pseudo-Boolean Optimization.
P. Barth, MPI Technical Report, MPI-I-95-2-003, 1995.
Pseudo-Boolean and Finite Domain Constraint Programming: A Case Study.
A. Bockmayr and T. Kasper, MPI Technical Report, 1996.
Modelling 0-1 problems in CLP(PB).
P. Barth and A. Bockmayr, MPI Technical Report, 1996.
A SAT-based decision procedure for ALC.
F. Giunchiglia and R. Sebastiani,
Proceedings "5th International Conference on Principl
es of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - KR'96, 1996.
A new method for testing decision
procedures in modal and terminological logics.
F. Giunchiglia, M. Roveri and
R. Sebastiani, 1996 International Workshop on Description Logics - DL'96.
Boston, MA, USA, 1996. Short version also published in Proceedings 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14) with the title
"A new method for testing decision procedures in modal logics".
An Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae.
M. Cadoli, A. Giovanardi, M. Schaerf,
Proceedings of AAAI-98, July, 1998.
Experimental Analysis of the Computational Cost of Evaluating Quantified Boolean Formulae.
M. Cadoli, A. Giovanardi, M. Schaerf.
Proc. of AI*IA-97, Springer LNAI, 1997.
An Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae and its
Experimental Evaluation.
M. Cadoli, M. Schaerf, A. Giovanardi, M. Giovanardi.
Technical report DIS 08-99, March 1999. Significantly extended version of AI*IA-97 and AAAI-98.
Improvements to the evaluation of quantified Boolean formulae
J. Rintanen,
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999.