Reflection symmetry

Pattern name ReflectionSymmetry.
Context A array of decision variables which can be reversed.
Problem This symmetry doubles the size of the search space and the number of solutions.
Forces Failing to eliminate this increases search.
Eliminating symmetry may conflict with the branching heuristic.
Solution Post constraints ordering first and last variables.
If they cannot be equal, make this a strict ordering constraint.
Example Car sequencing problem, prob001 in CSPLib.
References Succeed-first or Fail-first: A Case Study in Variable and Value Ordering Heuristics (ps, abstract)
Barbara Smith, School of Computing Research Report 96.26, University of Leeds, September 1996.
Presented at the ILOG Solver and ILOG Schedule 2nd International Users' Conference, Paris, July 1996.
Also in the Proceedings of PACT'97, pp. 321-330.