- Each cluster has a coordinator
- Clusters have a set of responsibilities, including:
- Teaching clusters to vet course intros
- Teaching clusters to provide course mentoring
- Course mentoring to include:
- reviewing plans for setting, issuing, automarking and tutor-marking
assignments, for availability of tutorial questions (and solutions,
at least for tutors)
- checking exams for appropriate level of difficulty as well as
for typos
- reviewing plans for plagiarism checking
- "Red analysis"
- Sitting-in pairs
- Ownership (to a certain extent)
- Course development input
- Course content consistency (e.g. between sessions)
- Back-up lecturer
- Meet with student reps
- Workload sharing
- Considering preconditions and postconditions for courses
- Course revision
Cluster coordinators should ensure that everybody (including themselves)
has somebody else to vet their course intro, provide mentoring, etc.